英式英語中最大的美國舶來品——“Advocating for”
斯卡平克:我們從什麼時候開始在“Advocating”後面加上” for”?這個詞組如何漂洋過海,並頻頻出現在主流媒體中?
Snowden’s Leaks on China May Produce a New Advocate
New revelations by Edward J. Snowden, a former National Security Agency
contractor believed to be in Hong Kong, could make China more interested
in helping him.
cater-cousin (KAY-tuhr kuz-uhn)
noun: An intimate friend.
The origin of the term is uncertain, though various theories have been proposed. According to one, the term is derived from French quatre-cousin (fourth cousin), implying someone who is so close as to almost be a relative, or one who is close enough to be among the fourth cousins. Another idea is that the term cater-cousin alludes to people intimate enough to be catering to each other. Finally, there's the sense of cater meaning diagonally (as in catercorner).
"I am charged with buying 30% of stocks through cater-cousin, Haggi Jalilov." — The Advocate Disproves Statements About His Involvement; Azer-Press (Azerbaijan); Dec 22, 2005.
"His master and he ... are scarce cater-cousins." — William Shakespeare; Merchant of Venice; c. 1600.
Susan B. Anthony: the suffragist attempted to vote in the 1872 presidential election although women were not allowed to; she was fined $100 but refused to pay (1872)
Definition of advocate
Pronunciation: /ˈadvəkət/
- Scottish and South African term for barrister.
Pronunciation: /ˈadvəkeɪt/
[with object]Derivatives
suf·fra·gist (sŭf'rə-jĭst)

An advocate of the extension of political voting rights, especially to women.
suffragism suf'fra·gism n.
1992 年幫我們訂法國巴黎hotel的同事也姓Guy
Interview with a Guy
http://ntuforex.blogspot.com/2010/05/interview-with-guy.html#linksDo you ever beat up people who pronounce your name G-ai instead of G-ee?
I advocate non violence. I just feel pity for those who can’t read French. If they want me to be their “guy” I’m willing to go along.