When the Allies liberated Paris in 1944, Pablo Picasso was celebrated as a survivor. Before that he had hard times as an artist, termed "degenerate" by the Nazis...
Study Bolsters Link Between Mild Hits and Brain Disease
Researchers found evidence of long-term degeneration in athletes’
brains, raising the possibility that mild but repeated head trauma could
cause cognitive impairment years down the road.
Celebrations in 1977 involved children’s food—sausage rolls and jelly, hot dogs and ice cream—and beer for the grown-ups. There were violent sporting contests, from tugs-of-war to free-form football matches. To conquer reserve, fancy dress was worn, often involving men in women’s clothing. From the West Midlands came news of an all-transvestite football game, with the laconic annotation: “all ended up in the canal.”
Witness to Nazi repression
This passion for the German language likewise afforded Beckett the privilege of seeing paintings and sculptures that had been banned from public viewing. Because of his status as a foreigner, Beckett was able to request permission to see both the masterpieces on public display and to privately view works that had recently been labeled "degenerate" and censored by the Nazi regime.
同一年,最先提出國際情境主義的其中一人德博(Guy Debord)出版了《景觀社會》(La Société du spectacle) 〔1967 有翻譯〕,強烈抨擊當代社會宛如商品社會,而且只重視外表,「這個『世界【觀】點(Weltanschauung)』變得很實際,於是也就很實際地表達出來了」,該文本從這個在「每大洲的社會表面」都「被客觀化了的世界觀點」,宣告了回歸到文化及資訊的核心問題。
Cologne's archbishop has unleashed a storm of criticism over comments
he made about modern art. During a Friday sermon, Archbishop Joachim
Meisner said that when art became estranged from worship, then
culture became degenerate. North Rhine-Westphalia's culture
secretary Hans-Heinrich Grosse-Brockhoff called the comments
"appalling". Several artists protested against the choice of words
that stemmed from Nazi Germany. The Nazis aggressively persecuted
artists whose works did not conform to their Weltanschauung and was
culminated in 1937 by a Munich-exhibition called "Degenerate Art".
2017年6月23日 星期五
degenerate, scrofulous, caricaturist
Home library goals.
"Every decision is like surgery," [Peter] Drucker wrote in The Effective Executive, his 1967 classic. "It is an intervention into a system and therefore carries with it the risk of shock. One does not make unnecessary decisions any more than a good surgeon does unnecessary surgery." And yet, despite the dangers, Drucker was quick to add that "one has to make a decision when a condition is likely to degenerate if nothing is done."
After leaving Oxford without a degree and marrying a widow 20 years older than himself, he tried, disastrously, to start a school. Ungainly, scrofulous and afflicted with Tourette’s syndrome, Johnson provided the same easy target for schoolboys that he later would for caricaturists.
- Relating to, affected with, or resembling scrofula.
- Morally degenerate; corrupt: “a scrofulous, grim, darkly funny burlesque on art, celebrity, and love” (Stephen Schiff).
scrofulousness scrof'u·lous·ness n.

━━ n. 風刺画[文]; 戯画; 漫画(化); (ばかばかしいほど)不十分な[不正確な]模倣, まがい物[偽物]; 模倣.
━━ vt. 漫画化する, 風刺する.
car・i・ca・tur・ist ━━ n.
━━ vt. 漫画化する, 風刺する.


━━ n. 【医】腺病, るいれき.
scrof・u・lous ━━ a. るいれきの[にかかった]; 病的な; 堕落した.

weltanschauung (VELT-ahn-shou-oong)
noun: World view; philosophy of life; a framework through which to interpret the world.
From German Weltanschauung (world view), from Welt (world) + Anschauung (perception).
When we bring in a word from another language, sometimes we borrow it and at other times make a loan translation. The word weltanschauung appears so useful that English has borrowed the original form and also made a loan translation: world view.
"Gwyneth Paltrow summed up her weltanschauung thus: 'My life is good because I am not passive about it.'" — Richard Dorment; Gwyneth Paltrow Feels Good -- And So Can You; Esquire (New York); Sep 16, 2009.

John MacDougall/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Marg Moll’s “Dancer,” from around 1930, is one of the found works in the “Degenerate Art” show at the Neues Museum in Berlin.
- 発音記号[trænsvéstait | trænz-]

- Having declined, as in function or nature, from a former or original state: a degenerate form of an ancient folk art.
- Having fallen to an inferior or undesirable state, especially in mental or moral qualities.
- Physics. Relating to two or more quantum states that share the same quantum numbers: degenerate energy levels.
- Physics. Characterized by great density and consisting of atoms stripped of electrons: degenerate matter.
- Medicine. Characterized by degeneration, as of tissue, a cell, or an organ.
- Biology. Having lost one or more highly developed functions, characteristics, or structures through evolution: a degenerate life form.
- Genetics. Having more than one codon that may code for the same amino acid.
- A depraved, corrupt, or vicious person.
- A person lacking or having progressively lost normative biological or psychological characteristics.
- To fall below a normal or desirable state, especially functionally or morally; deteriorate: old water pipes that are degenerating with age; a dispute that degenerated into a brawl.
- To decline in quality: The quality of his writing degenerated as he continued to drink.
- To undergo degeneration.
[Latin dēgenerātus, past participle of dēgenerāre, to depart from one's own kind, deteriorate : dē-, de- + genus, gener-, race.]
degenerately de·gen'er·ate·ly adv.degenerateness de·gen'er·ate·ness n.
1 (…から)(…に)低下[悪化]する((from ...;into ...));(肉体的・精神的に)退化[衰退]する, 退歩[退廃]する, 衰える;(道徳的に)堕落[退廃]する
Debates with her always degenerate into quarrels.
2 《生物》退化する;《病理学》変性する.
━━[形] 〔did
t〕 ((形式))

1 低下[悪化]した;(肉体的・精神的に)退廃した, 衰退[堕落]した
a degenerate ruler
2 〈種族・種類などが〉退化した;〈時代・文化などが〉退廃[堕落]した
degenerate organisms
degenerate art
3 《物理学》縮退[縮重]の.
━━[名] 〔did

1 堕落者;退廃物;ならず者.
2 性倒錯者, (性的)変質者;《病理学》変性[変質]者.