Taiwan's HTC looks to Iron Man for rescue Economic Times 有很多人坐這軌道車喪生嗎?推車人回答:並沒有很多!
star of the Iron Man franchise has reportedly been paid $10 million to
feature in a TV commercial that will hit worldwide markets including the
growth of cloud computing, a proliferation of mobile devices in the
office and the ever-blurring line between personal and business
computing are compelling Citrix to look further ahead than before.
June 6, 2012 -- 3:00 p.m. EDT
largest U.S. wireless carriers expect to get rid of plans that let
subscribers buy only the number of minutes they need and replace them
with a flat rate covering unlimited calls.
'The Lady' ushers in a new era in Myanmar
Gadhafi's Death Ushers In New Era
Deposed Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was shot and killed as Libyan forces overtook the city of his birth and last remaining stronghold, setting the stage for the nation to reinvent itself after a 42-year dictatorship.
I was saying this to Pawson one day, stroking the secret cupboard doors in his London flat with an appreciative hand, when a touch-latch sprang open and out poured a torrent of cushions, toys, CDs and old magazines. Great art and great artifice are only two syllables apart.
look to
(1) ⇒(自)3, 5
(2) 〈人が物・場所などの〉方向を見る, に目を向ける.
(3) 〈事に〉注意を向ける, 気をつける;…の世話をする
(4) …に期待を寄せる, …を楽しみにする, 待望する, …を目指す, 志望する
(2) 〈人が物・場所などの〉方向を見る, に目を向ける.
(3) 〈事に〉注意を向ける, 気をつける;…の世話をする
(4) …に期待を寄せる, …を楽しみにする, 待望する, …を目指す, 志望する
look to journalism as a career
(5) 〈人に〉(援助・忠告を)頼る, 当てにする((for ...));((略式))〈人が〉(…することを)期待する((to do)). ▼受身可職業としてジャーナリズムを志望する
- 3 (look to) rely on to do or provide something:she will look to you for help
hip2 (hĭp)
adj. Slang, hip·per, also hep·per, hip·pest, hep·pest.
- Keenly aware of or knowledgeable about the latest trends or developments.
- Very fashionable or stylish.
Product Overview
- Touch latch is invisible from the outside of the door.
- When you use a touch latch no other hardware (knob, pull, latch) is needed on your door giving it a clean look.
- Available in either a regular duty or heavy duty model. The heavy duty model is slightly larger and has much stronger spring action. Use the heavy duty model for solid core or heavy doors.
- How it works; gently push in on the outside surface of the door. The door releases from the latch and pops outward.
- The auxiliary pusher (sold separately) is used where a vacuum condition exists (for example a small closet) or any situation where the door does not open easily.The auxiliary pusher may be used with either the regular duty or heavy duty latch.
- All mounting fasteners, a metal template and full instructions are included.
- The face and internal parts of the latch are made from solid brass and steel. The case is made from plastic.
- The auxiliary pusher is made from solid brass and nylon and the spring is made from steel.
Support Information
usher in
- [ʌ'ʃər]
1 (教会・劇場などの)案内係[役];門衛, 門番.
2 ((英))客人を案内する係の役人;先導役.
3 ((米))(結婚式での)男の付添人.
━━[動](他)〈人の〉案内[先導]役を務める, 〈人を〉(…へ)案内する((to, into ...))
She ushered them to their seats.
usher in ...
(1) 〈客などを〉案内して通す.(2) 〈天候などが季節などの〉先触れをする;〈事が時・時代の〉到来を知らせる
usher in an era of peace