Unbeaten tracks in Japan : 『日本奥地紀行』
"Long hence,"she sighs, "they'll sing about us to generations that are yet to come."
Reluctant to leave Higuchi and his bottomless well of archaeological lore, but eager to check the horizon, I said goodbye and stepped out into brilliant sunlight.
12.02. - Energy giants set their sights on Polish gas
The discovery of large unconventional gas deposits in Poland could change
the geo-politics of the entire European energy market. Russia has long
enjoyed a near-monopoly in natural gas supplies to Central and Southern
Europe, but now multinational energy giants are scrambling for prospecting
rights in Poland.
The DW-WORLD Article
Just 150 years ago, Kuala Lumpur, or KL as locals call it, was little more than a dingy outpost chopped out of the jungle by Chinese tin prospectors. But commerce served it well, and eventually Merdeka Square (at the intersection of Jalan Raja and Lebuh Pasar Besar) would become a center of British colonial life.
━━ n. 眺め, 見晴し; 見通し, 予想, 期待; (普通pl.) (成功の)可能性 ((of)); 買ってくれそうな客; やりそうな人 ((for)); 有力候補; 【鉱】採鉱有望地; 鉱石試料.
━━ 〔prάspekt/prəspekt〕 v. (鉱山などを)捜す; 試掘する ((for)).
pros·pec·tor (prŏs'pĕk'tər)
One who explores an area for mineral deposits or oil.
Definition of prospect
Pronunciation: /ˈprɒspɛkt/
Pronunciation: /prəˈspɛkt/
[no object]Origin:
late Middle English (as a noun denoting the action of looking towards a distant object): from Latin prospectus 'view', from prospicere 'look forward', from pro- 'forward' + specere 'to look'. Early use, referring to a view of landscape, gave rise to the meaning 'mental picture' (mid 16th century), whence 'anticipated event'geopolitical
Pronunciation: /ˌdʒiːə(ʊ)pəˈlɪtɪk(ə)l/
Definition of geopolitical
Pronunciation: /-ˈpɒlɪtɪks/
Definition of lore
[mass noun]Origin:
Old English lār 'instruction', of Germanic origin: related to Dutch leer, German Lehre, also to learn
2 ((古))教育;教え, 教訓.
[古英語lār「教えるもの」. △LEARN, ドイツ語Lehre]
Pronunciation: /hɛns/
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Middle English hennes (in sense 3): from earlier henne (from Old English heonan, of Germanic origin, related to he) + -s3 (later respelled -ce to denote the unvoiced sound)unbeaten
Pronunciation: /ʌnˈbiːt(ə)n/
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