Six Great Gifts For Photographers
Stuck for a gift to give your household shutterbug? Here are some of my favorites from this year -- as well as some perennial favorites -- at a variety of prices.
Wearing Your Computer on Your Sleeve
Millions of people stroll through life staring into a mobile device, absorbed by their screens. Technology will solve this problem by creating wearable computers.
lasso, feifer
Two cows have escaped from a trailer onto a busy Massachusetts highway, but a cowboy stuck in the traffic jam has come to the rescue.
State police say a man wearing a Western hat and boots lassoed the 500-pound heifers Tuesday morning as they wandered on Interstate 91 South in Springfield, one of the state’s biggest cities.
heif·er (hĕf'ər)
A young cow, especially one that has not yet given birth to a calf.
[Middle English, from Old English hēahfore.]
las·so (lăs'ō, lă-sū')
n., pl., -sos, or -soes.
A long rope with a running noose at one end, used especially to catch horses and cattle. Also called lariat.
tr.v., -soed, -so·ing, -sos, or -soes.
To catch with or as if with such a long rope.
lassoer las'so·er n.
in the teeth of
1. Straight into, confronting, as in The ship was headed in the teeth of the gale. [Late 1200s]
2. In opposition to or defiance of, as in She stuck to her position in the teeth of criticism by the board members. [Late 1700s] Also see fly in the face of.
3. Facing danger or threats, as in The tribe was in the teeth of starvation. [Early 1800s]
to the teeth of a person[to the teeth of a person]
((古))面と向かって, 公然と.
IN BRIEF: adj. - Caught or fixed; Baffled.