42 Years of Memorable Marathon Moments
The New York City Marathon has produced runner collisions, a wrong turn into Central Park, above, and even a dust cloud that obscured the runners.
Google Trio Convicted of Privacy Violations
An Italian court convicted three Google executives of violating the privacy of a disabled boy by allowing a 2006 video of students bullying the boy to air on the now-defunct Google Video site, in a ruling that could restrict the way Internet companies operate in Italy.
A Cosmic Question: How to Get Rid
Of All That Orbiting Space Junk?
Last month's collision of an American satellite with a defunct Russian one added much more debris to space, sparking renewed interest in space-cleaning ideas.
On June 29, 1995, the shuttle Atlantis and the Russian space station Mir docked, forming the largest man-made satellite ever to orbit the Earth.
Satellites Destroyed in Orbital Collision
A U.S. commercial satellite was destroyed in a crash with a defunct Russian military satellite. NASA said it was the first in-orbit spacecraft collision.
Steele's Campaign Spending Questioned
Michael S. Steele, the newly elected chairman of the Republican National Committee, arranged for his 2006 Senate campaign to pay a defunct company run by his sister for services that were never performed, his finance chairman from that campaign has told federal prosecutors.
(By Henri E. Cauvin, The Washington Post)
defunct company
Company that no longer exists; company that has suspended all operations and is out of business.

Steele's Campaign Spending Questioned
Michael S. Steele, the newly elected chairman of the Republican National Committee, arranged for his 2006 Senate campaign to pay a defunct company run by his sister for services that were never performed, his finance chairman from that campaign has told federal prosecutors.
(By Henri E. Cauvin, The Washington Post)
defunct company
Company that no longer exists; company that has suspended all operations and is out of business.
━━ a. 現存しない, 消滅した; 死んだ (the ~ 故人).
- レベル:大学入試程度
- 発音記号[ɔ'ːrbit]
1 《天文》軌道
2 (人生の)行路;活動[経験]範囲;勢力圏.
3 《解剖学》眼窩(がんか)(eye socket);目;眼球.
4 《物理学》電子軌道.
5 《航空》(着陸待ちなどの)旋回コース.
go into orbit
1 〈天体の〉周囲を軌道を描いて回る;…を旋回する.
2 〈人工衛星などを〉軌道に乗せる.