From Espresso: HSBC reports its 2014 results today. But expect few of the usual questions about its cost-income ratio or return on equity this time. The bank is in the midst of a battering from the British media, accused of facilitating tax-dodging after the BBC and the Guardian got their hands on a leaked list of over 100,000 people who had accounts with HSBC’s Swiss arm in 2005-07. HSBC’s bosses will have to face reporters for the first time since the revelations, having no doubt spent the weekend rehearsing lines about how the bank’s culture has changed. Douglas Flint, the chairman, must endure a further grilling on Wednesday when he appears before a British parliamentary committee. His best hope is that Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, whose attempts to recoup avoided taxes now look rather lackadaisical, may take much of the heat
You know that joke, "how do you know when someone has an iPad? Because they tell you"? This adapts very well to the Take That tax avoider. How do you know how Gary Barlow lost five stone? Because he tells you. In precis, he realised, after years of trial and error, "that he doesn't have the kind of body that allows him to eat whatever he likes"
Some offenders may be let off with a warning, without having to face the full music, he said.
As in Weisheng's story, some people will applaud the government for honoring its manifesto to the letter, while others criticize an unrealistic decision. Political observers speculate that Ozawa may have volunteered to take responsibility for urging the party to break its promises.
Hype Hangs Over Dropbox
followed the Internet start-up playbook to a tee last year, riding the
Web boom and raising $250 million at a $4 billion valuation. Now comes
the hard part: Living up to the hype.
Precisely, as in If you follow the directions to the letter, you can't go wrong. Letter here refers to the exact terms of some statement. [c. 1800]
- レベル:社会人必須
- 発音記号[tíː]
1 (文字の)T, t.
2 T字形のもの;T形鋼.
3 (輪投げなどの)目標, 的.
to a tee
正確に, 完全に.face the music:指面對困難,或接受應得的懲罰,如When the missing money was noticed, he chose to disappear rather than face the music.(當有人注意到錢不翼而飛時,他寧可選擇失蹤也不願接受懲罰。)
face the music
Confront unpleasantness, especially the consequences of one's errors. For example, When the check bounced, he had to face the music. The precise allusion in this expression has been lost. Most authorities believe it refers to a theater's pit orchestra, which an actor must face when he faces what can be a hostile audience, but some hold it comes from the military, where a formal dismissal in disgrace would be accompanied by band music. [Second half of 1800s] Also see face up to.
Pronunciation: /prɪˈsʌɪs/
Translate precise | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish adjective
late Middle English: from Old French prescis, from Latin praecis- 'cut short', from the verb praecidere, from prae 'in advance' + caedere 'to cut'precis
Pronunciation: /ˈpreɪsi/
Translate precis | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish noun (plural same /-siːz/)
verb (precises /-siːz/, precising /-siːɪŋ/, precised /-siːd/)
[with object]Origin:
mid 18th century: from French précis, literally 'precise' (adjective used as a noun)precis
- 音節
- pré • cis
- 発音
- preisíː |
- precisの変化形
- precis (複数形) • precised (過去形) • precised (過去分詞) • precising (現在分詞) • precises (三人称単数現在)
[名](複 〜 〔-z〕)要約, 摘要, 大要.
━━[動](他)…を要約する, …の大意を書く.
[フランス語. 「短かく切られた」]