tanka 日文 "短歌"
Tanka poems are a reflection of the times
I received a letter from an elderly man living in Nagoya about a woman whose name can be read Hitomi Koyama or Oyama. The name may arouse fond memories in some readers like an image of a distant star they saw a long time ago.
I received a letter from an elderly man living in Nagoya about a woman whose name can be read Hitomi Koyama or Oyama. The name may arouse fond memories in some readers like an image of a distant star they saw a long time ago.
Let me quote the opening paragraph of this column that ran in the vernacular Asahi Shimbun on Aug. 15, the anniversary of the end of World War II, 36 years ago: "(Tanka) poems by 'Hitomi Koyama of Amagasaki (in Hyogo Prefecture)' often appears in the Asahi Kadan column. She always writes about her only son who was killed in the war. Some readers may remember her name because of her poems' extremely strong tone of lament."
Koyama is said to have supported herself as a peddler.
"As long as I live/ I see a vision of my son/ Whom I saw off to war/ Before flags."
"The child I raised in poverty/ Grew up to be a man/ And perished in the war/ Today I have enough food to feed myself."
Now, the postwar generation accounts for more than three-quarters of the entire population. But back then, there must have been many aging parents across the nation who shared her sorrows.
Although the man who wrote me is younger, he wrote that Koyama's poems were "hard to forget."
Tanka poems that appear in the newspaper reflect the times. Koyama's poems were often chosen by Yoshimi Kondo (1913-2006), one of the selectors of the Asahi Kadan. "Mumei-sha no Uta" (Poems of nameless poets) published in 1974 is an anthology of poems that appeared on the column selected by Kondo. It reads like a postwar history of ordinary people.
"My mother visits wearing rags/ One of the nurses treats her kindly" was composed in a sanitarium for tuberculosis patients.
"Praying for a life of happiness/ I marry a miner/ And wash my husband's mining clothes for the first time." When I think of the subsequent decline of coal mines, I find the poem sad.
"The sound of splitting firewood/ Rings sad in the afternoon/ My wife does not speak about giving up farming." The Showa Era (1926-1989), which is fading into the past, is present in the 31-syllable poems.
And now, 2009, the 21st year of the Heisei Era (1989-), is being engraved in the Asahi Kadan by many poets, including a self-claimed homeless man whose name can be read Koichi Koda or Kimida.
It is the heartbeat of nameless poets whose stories may not go down in history but are all the more memorable for it.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 24(IHT/Asahi: April 25,2009)
noun [C] ━━ n. 色合い; ほのかな色; (赤みなどの)…み; (白色)ぼかし; 染髪剤; (版画の)線ぼかし, けば; (ほのかに)髪を染めること.
1 a small amount of a colour:
The paint we're using for the bathroom is white with a yellow tint.
The evening sky was deep pink, with tints of purple and red in it.
2 a small amount of dye, especially used on the hair, or the act of using such a substance:
She's had blonde tints put in her hair.
I'm going to the hairdresser's for a tint.
tint Show phonetics
verb [T] ━━ vt. 色合いをつける, 薄く色をつける; (髪を)ほのかに染める.
to slightly change the colour of something
tinted Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
(of glass) with colour added:
Tinted glasses (= glasses with slightly darkened lenses) are good for driving in bright sunlight.
The President arrived at the airport in a car with tinted windows (= windows with darkened glass so that people cannot see into the car).

n. メゾティント彫刻 ((銅・鉄板の印刷用彫刻法の一種)); その版画.



━━ n. 【建】中2階; 〔米〕 2階さじき; 〔英〕 舞台下.
mezzanine funding 【金融】メザニン型資金調達 ((中期間高金利の無担保ローンを使っての企業買収のための資金調達)).
Koyama is said to have supported herself as a peddler.
"As long as I live/ I see a vision of my son/ Whom I saw off to war/ Before flags."
"The child I raised in poverty/ Grew up to be a man/ And perished in the war/ Today I have enough food to feed myself."
Now, the postwar generation accounts for more than three-quarters of the entire population. But back then, there must have been many aging parents across the nation who shared her sorrows.
Although the man who wrote me is younger, he wrote that Koyama's poems were "hard to forget."
Tanka poems that appear in the newspaper reflect the times. Koyama's poems were often chosen by Yoshimi Kondo (1913-2006), one of the selectors of the Asahi Kadan. "Mumei-sha no Uta" (Poems of nameless poets) published in 1974 is an anthology of poems that appeared on the column selected by Kondo. It reads like a postwar history of ordinary people.
"My mother visits wearing rags/ One of the nurses treats her kindly" was composed in a sanitarium for tuberculosis patients.
"Praying for a life of happiness/ I marry a miner/ And wash my husband's mining clothes for the first time." When I think of the subsequent decline of coal mines, I find the poem sad.
"The sound of splitting firewood/ Rings sad in the afternoon/ My wife does not speak about giving up farming." The Showa Era (1926-1989), which is fading into the past, is present in the 31-syllable poems.
And now, 2009, the 21st year of the Heisei Era (1989-), is being engraved in the Asahi Kadan by many poets, including a self-claimed homeless man whose name can be read Koichi Koda or Kimida.
It is the heartbeat of nameless poets whose stories may not go down in history but are all the more memorable for it.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 24(IHT/Asahi: April 25,2009)
noun [C] ━━ n. 色合い; ほのかな色; (赤みなどの)…み; (白色)ぼかし; 染髪剤; (版画の)線ぼかし, けば; (ほのかに)髪を染めること.
1 a small amount of a colour:
The paint we're using for the bathroom is white with a yellow tint.
The evening sky was deep pink, with tints of purple and red in it.
2 a small amount of dye, especially used on the hair, or the act of using such a substance:
She's had blonde tints put in her hair.
I'm going to the hairdresser's for a tint.
tint Show phonetics
verb [T] ━━ vt. 色合いをつける, 薄く色をつける; (髪を)ほのかに染める.
to slightly change the colour of something
tinted Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
(of glass) with colour added:
Tinted glasses (= glasses with slightly darkened lenses) are good for driving in bright sunlight.
The President arrived at the airport in a car with tinted windows (= windows with darkened glass so that people cannot see into the car).
(mĕt'sō-tĭnt', mĕd'zō-, mĕz'ō-)
n. メゾティント彫刻 ((銅・鉄板の印刷用彫刻法の一種)); その版画.
- A method of engraving a copper or steel plate by scraping and burnishing areas to produce effects of light and shadow.
- A print made from a plate engraved by mezzotint.
[Alteration of Italian mezzatinta, halftone : mezza, feminine of mezzo, half (from Latin medius; see medium) + tinta, tint, from feminine past participle of tingere, to tint (from Latin, to dye).]
Wikipedia article "Mezzotint".mez・zo

━━ ad. 【楽】なかば, 適度に.
mezzo forte やや強く.
mezzo-relievo 半肉彫り.
mezzo-soprano メゾソプラノ; 次高音歌手.
mezzo・tint メゾティント彫刻 ((銅・鉄板の印刷用彫刻法の一種)); その版画.

(mĕz'ə-nēn', mĕz'ə-nēn')
- A partial story between two main stories of a building.
- The lowest balcony in a theater or the first few rows of that balcony.

[French, from Italian mezzanino, diminutive of mezzano, middle, from Latin mediānus, in the middle. See median.]