This is a Shino-style serving dish used in Japanese tea ceremonies.
Shino wares were the first Japanese ceramics to feature painted designs on the ceramic body and were mostly made for use in the Japanese tea ceremony, or in the kaiseki meal that accompanied it.
By the mid-1500s rustic-looking utensils began to be incorporated into these ceremonies as tea masters had developed a style of ceremony that emphasised the concept of wabi, an aesthetic ideal centred on the appreciation of the simple, the natural and the imperfect.
Tea masters admired the Shino wares, such as this one, for their simple, stylised decorative motifs and pleasingly uneven texture!
We love the details that you can see across this dish - take a look through these images to get a real feel for its shape.

「加拿大重量級小說家兼詩人瑪格麗特.愛特伍(Margaret Atwood)於11月1日,在美國紐約的邦諾(Barnes & Noble)連鎖書店舉行盛大的新書發表會,上百位讀者湧進,現場座無虛席。愛特伍很優雅地驅前上台且極其輕聲細語地向大家問好,接著她向讀者們介紹新書 《道德錯亂》(Moral Disorder)的封面設計,上為兩個女子的照片並列對照,一位是女僕,另一位是廚師,兩位的面容極為相似,好似雙胞胎,但仔細一看又好像是同一個人。
這兩張照片是取自莎拉.菲爾德.史賓林特(Sarah Field Splint)的作品《烹飪與服侍的藝術》(The Art of Cooking and Serving,1930)一書,愛特伍也以此為新書中的篇名之一(篇名與故事的情節、年代都是相關連的)。」文◎劉易昀 小讀者評: ref《烹飪與服侍的藝術》(The Art of Cooking and Serving)serving 譯上菜(或佈菜)可能比較合宜
service (FOOD UTENSILS) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a set of items such as plates, cups or other utensils that are used in providing and eating food:
a 24-piece dinner service
a tea service
serve (PROVIDE FOOD/DRINK) Show phonetics
verb [I or T]
to provide food or drinks:
Do they serve meals in the bar?
Breakfast is served in the restaurant between 7 and 9
We arrived at the hotel and were served with champagne and canapés.
All recipes in this book, unless otherwise stated, will serve (= be enough for) 4 to 5 people.
[+ object + adjective] Serve the tarts hot with custard or whipped cream.
Mr. Huckabee presented his populist message by talking about the "bottom of the economy" and the "people who are handling the bags, the people who are serving the food."
server Show phonetics
noun [C]
a utensil that is used for serving food:
salad servers
serving Show phonetics
noun [C]
an amount of one type of food which is given to one person:
The quantities given in the recipe should be enough for four servings.
serving Show phonetics
serving dish/spoon etc. a utensil used for holding food before it is put onto plates, or for putting food onto plates
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)