An upcoming exhibition at the Picasso Museum in Paris will display for the first time the original stretcher of the great anti-war mural after its rediscovery in MoMA’s storage.
They may seem stationary to us, but corals are dynamic animals. In this film, researchers use time-lapse video to watch corals move along the ocean floor, unearth themselves when buried, and even attack each other for more real estate.
“Lens of Time: Corals in Motion” was first published on bioGraphic
and reproduced with permission. © 2016 California Academy of Sciences.
Microsoft and its advisers believed that by asking Yahoo for a price they were sending a clear signal that they were willing to pay more than the original offer. But they viewed an asking price of $40 a share as an unrealistic starting point.
For almost the exact asking price of her five-bedroom house in Surrey, Mum could become the new owner of Dartmoor Wildlife Park and 100 exotic animals. 老媽在薩里郡有棟五住房的屋子,如果順利依定價賣出的話,就恰恰能夠成為Darmoor野生動物園以及100種外來動物的新主人。
Japanese swimmer stretchered out
Reuters - USA
By Derek Parr BEIJING (Reuters) - Japanese synchronized swimmer Hiromi Kobayashi suffered breathing difficulties in the team final on Saturday and had to be ...
1A framework of two poles with a long piece of canvas slung between them, used for carrying sick, injured, or dead people.
Example sentences
2A wooden frame over which a canvas is spread and tautened ready for painting.
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2.1with modifier A rod or frame used for expanding or tautening a specified thing.
‘sail stretchers’
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3A rod or bar joining and supporting chair legs.
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3.1 A board in a boat against which a rower presses the feet for support.
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4A brick or stone laid with its long side along the face of a wall.
Compare with header (sense 3)
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5informal, archaic An exaggeration or lie.
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━━ n. 伸ばす[広げる]人[道具]; (カンバスを張る)わく; 担架, ストレッチャー.
stretcher-bearer 担架のかつぎ手.
stretcher party 担架をもった救護隊.
In medicine, hyperventilation (or overbreathing) is the state of breathing faster and/or deeper than necessary, thereby reducing the carbon dioxide concentration of the blood below normal.[1]
Hyperventilation can, but does not necessarily always cause symptoms such as numbness or tingling in the hands, feet and lips, lightheadedness, dizziness, headache, chest pain, slurred speech and sometimes fainting, particularly when accompanied by the Valsalva maneuver. Sometimes hyperventilation is induced for these same effects.
ESPN - Japanese swimmer collapses in Water Cube pool - Olympics
23 Aug 2008 ... Japanese swimmer collapses in Water Cube pool - Olympics ... The woman hyperventilated because of stress, said Hiroshi Takeuchi, ...
Hyperventilation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
過度換氣症候群(Hyperventilation syndrome),何謂過度換氣症候群?顧名思義就是呼氣( 吐二氧化碳)、吸氣(吸氧氣)的速率交換太快,造成二氧化碳不斷被 ...
過換気症候群(かかんきしょうこうぐん)とは、精神的な不安によって過呼吸になり、その結果、手足や唇の痺れや動悸、目眩等の症状が引き起こされる心身症の一つである。過呼吸症候群(かこきゅうしょうこうぐん)、また呼吸により血液がアルカリ性に傾くことから呼吸性アルカローシスとも呼ばれる。 一般に過呼吸と称されるものとの違いは原因が「精神的な不安」にあることであり、過呼吸は呼吸を多く必要とする運動の後に起こるという点が異なるが、発症後の症状はほぼ同じである。
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Full Definition of real estate
1: property in buildings and land
2: space, capacity real estate
& real estate on hard drives — Leonard Wiener>
spare (SAVE)
verb [T]
to not hurt or destroy something or someone:
They asked him to spare the women and children.
asking price
The price at which an item is offered for sale.
asking price 言い値.
Real Estate Dictionary: Asking Price
The list price that an owner would like to receive.
Example: Abel advertises a property for sale at a price of $100,000. The advertised price is Abel's asking price.