近日讀Time 周刊之MICHAEL ELLIOTT說:台海將成多事之春,令人憂心:Asia Has a Taste of Things to Come--Unless the U.S. can calm things, rivalry between China
and Japan will grow February 20, 2005
1 .
tasting of, containing, or preserved with salt.
"the bacon will be quite salty"
2 .
(of language or humour) down-to-earth; coarse.
"her wild ways and salty language shocked the local gentry"
v. 味わう, (…の)味をみる; (…の)味を感じる, 味がわかる; (…の)味[風味,気味]がある ((of)); 食べる, 飲む; 経験する.
n. 味, 風味, 味覚; (普通a ~) ひと口[なめ]; 試食 ((of)); (a ~) 経験 ((of)); 好み, 嗜好, 趣味 ((for, in)); 審美眼 ((for)); 趣, 風情.
a bad [nasty] taste in the [one's ] mouth 悪いあと味[印象].
in good [bad, poor] taste 上[下]品で.
to taste 好みに応じて.
to …'s taste 人の好みに合って.
taste bud 【解】(舌面の)味蕾
(みらい) .
taste・ful ━━
a. 風流な; 上品な.
taste・ful・ly ad.
taste・ful・ness n.
taste・less ━━
a. 味のない, 趣[品]のない.
taste・less・ly ad.
taste・less・ness n.
tast・er ━━
n. 味[酒]きき ((人)).
tast・y ━━
a. うまい; 趣味のよい; 〔話〕 面白い; 〔英話〕 (女性が)性的魅力のある.
tast・i・ly ad.
tast・i・ness n. taste
The sense that distinguishes the sweet, sour, salty, and bitter qualities of dissolved substances in contact with the taste buds on the tongue.
This sense in combination with the senses of smell and touch, which together receive a sensation of a substance in the mouth.
The sensation of sweet, sour, salty, or bitter qualities produced by or as if by a substance placed in the mouth.
The unified sensation produced by any of these qualities plus a distinct smell and texture; flavor.
A distinctive perception as if by the sense of taste: an experience that left a bad taste in my mouth.
The act of tasting.
A small quantity eaten or tasted.
A limited or first experience; a sample: “Thousands entered the war, got just a taste of it, and then stepped out” (Mark Twain).
A personal preference or liking: a taste for adventure.
The faculty of discerning what is aesthetically excellent or appropriate.
A manner indicative of the quality of such discernment: a room furnished with superb taste.
The sense of what is proper, seemly, or least likely to give offense in a given social situation.
A manner indicative of the quality of this sense.
Obsolete. The act of testing; trial.
taste was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.