1. | on Page 3: |
" ... enemy, whatever the cost. Recruitment to the armed services from volunteers was heavy and enthusiastic" | |
2. | on Page 64: |
" ... Villa Park, or Old Trafford attracted each week over 6o,ooo enthusiastic (and entirely peaceable) spectators. In 1951, in its last few months in office ... " |
IN BRIEF: A call by an audience for a performer to perform an extra piece.
December 8, 2008, 4:50 pm
Dell Sees Double With Data Center in a Container
By Ashlee VanceThe new Dell is proving to be edgier. In some cases, it’s willing to go after fresh product areas before there’s a market at all, and it’s prepared to chase sales in the dozens rather than thousands of units, if it means keeping demanding customers happy.
see double
to have a problem with your eyes so that you see two of everything, usually because you are drunk or ill:
I started seeing double, then I fainted.
A French word meaning ‘again’, cried out by English audiences (not French ones, who use bis) to demand the repetition of a piece just heard or an extra item.
An ‘encore’ now usually means an extra piece played at the end of a recital or by a soloist after a concerto.
A French word meaning ‘again’, cried out by English audiences (not French ones, who use bis) to demand the repetition of a piece just heard or an extra item.
An ‘encore’ now usually means an extra piece played at the end of a recital or by a soloist after a concerto.
n. - 再演唱的要求, 經要求而再唱
int. - 再演唱一次!
v. tr. - 要求再演或唱
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - アンコール, 再演, アンコール曲
v. - アンコールを求める, アンコールする
int. - もう一度
任何表演都可以有"encore presentation " 譬如說
紐約時報科技版的 David Pogue 他比較兩廠牌的照片列印機 加上他的小朋友 Poguelet 來畫畫比賽"列印速度"
1 [U] a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it:
One of the good things about teaching young children is their enthusiasm.
After the accident he lost his enthusiasm for the sport.
I just can't work up (= start to feel) any enthusiasm for the whole project.
2 [C] a subject or activity that interests you very much:
One of his greatest enthusiasms was yoga.
enthuse Show phonetics
1 [I] to express excitement about something or great interest in it:
He was enthusing over a wonderful restaurant he'd been to.
[+ speech] "She's the best leader that this country has ever known!" he enthused.
2 [T] to give your feeling of excitement and interest in a particular subject to other people:
He was passionately interested in classical music but failed to enthuse his children (with it).
enthusiast Show phonetics
noun [C]
a person who is very interested in and involved with a particular subject or activity:
a keep-fit enthusiast
a model-aircraft enthusiast
enthusiastic Show phonetics
showing enthusiasm:
You don't seem very enthusiastic about the party - don't you want to go tonight?
riddle (MAKE HOLES) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to make a lot of holes in something:
The anti-aircraft guns riddled the plane's wings with bullets.
riddled Show phonetics
riddled with holes full of holes:
He wore an old jacket riddled with holes.
━━ vt. ふるい分ける; 精査する; (銃弾で)穴だらけにする ((with)).