「斷章取義」 (丁丁)
英文句構糾結,因此學英文要會斷句:找出句與句、詞與詞的從屬關係,找出語詞配對單位。遇到介系詞時往往最麻煩:到底這個介系詞是屬於前面那個動詞的一部分,共構成具有特殊語意的 phrasal verb 呢,還是單獨存在成立?斷錯了章,往往就取錯了義。比方下面這句佚名出處的「交叉反語」(chiasmus,一種文字遊戲):
When buyers don't fall for prices,妙處就在解破上下兩半句不同的「斷句」:
prices must fall for buyers.
When buyers don't (fall for) prices,上半句的 for 和 fall 連用,成為「短語動詞組」(phrasal verb),兩字合在一起:fall for,產生與兩字分別存在下不同的新義:1) 上當而相信,2) 迷戀。下半句的 for 卻和 fall 沒有既定關係,兩字各按本字本意單獨成立。
prices (must fall) (for buyers).
Rooms With a Viewfinder

Phil Mansfield for The New York Times
AT HOME Catherine Chalmers and Charles Lindsay at their house in Rensselaerville, N.Y.
Wikipedia article "A Room with a View".
This Canon G9 prosumer camera has both viewfinder and screen. The viewfinder has two advantages. Since it is held against the face, it helps steady the camera, and it uses less battery than the larger screen.
Ground Broken For Berlin's New Art Exhibition Center
After a long wait, the German capital will finally get its own art
exhibition hall -- but only for two years. After that, it'll have to pull
out. But until then, top Berlin artists will have a place to show their
The DW-WORLD Article
Now, the strategy of giving intellectual property away so that people will buy your paraphernalia won’t work equally well for everything. To take the obvious, painful example: news organizations, very much including this one, have spent years trying to turn large online readership into an adequately paying proposition, with limited success.
Behind the byline
Jim Pinto is an industry analyst and founder of San Diego-based Action Instruments. You can e-mail him at jim@jimpinto.com or view his writings at www.JimPinto.com. Read the Table of Contents of his new book, Pinto's Points at: www.jimpinto.com/writings/points.html.
noun [C] SPECIALIZED ━━ n. (新聞雑誌の)筆者名を記す行.
a line at the top of a newspaper or magazine article giving the writer's name
KK: [

DJ: [

━━ n.pl. 手回り品; 道具類; 〔話〕 不用品, がらくた; 面倒な手続き; 【法】(夫から与えられた)妻の所有物.Behind the byline
Jim Pinto is an industry analyst and founder of San Diego-based Action Instruments. You can e-mail him at jim@jimpinto.com or view his writings at www.JimPinto.com. Read the Table of Contents of his new book, Pinto's Points at: www.jimpinto.com/writings/points.html.
by-linenoun [C] SPECIALIZED ━━ n. (新聞雑誌の)筆者名を記す行.
a line at the top of a newspaper or magazine article giving the writer's name
KK: [

DJ: [

- 隨身用具
- 全部有關的事物;設備;器材
- 繁複的手續
then (TIME)
adverb, adjective [before noun]
(at) that time (in the past or in the future):
I was working in the city then.
FORMAL I wanted to live in the city, but my then husband (= the man who was my husband at that time) preferred the country.
Give it to me next week - I won't have time to read it before/until then.
I'll phone you tomorrow - I should have the details by then.
noun [C]取景"器"
the part of a camera that you look through to see what it is that you are taking a photograph of
fall for sth (BE TRICKED) phrasal verb INFORMAL
to be tricked into believing something that is not true:
He told me he owned a mansion in Spain and I fell for it.