1. | on Page 36: |
"such as the Talensee studied by Meyer Fortes in the 1930s, had no time-bound crisis definitions. Things happened when they were "ready" |
During her performance, Ms. Underwood volunteered that a Wal-Mart had recently opened in her hometown, Checotah, Okla., and Keith Urban changed his lyrics from “Goodbye, city, I’m country-bound” to “I’m Wal-Mart-bound.” And the retailer is using its leverage to aggressively pursue new deals.
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a triennial world-wide test of 15-year-old schoolchildren's scholastic performance, the implementation of which is coordinated by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
In humans the role of pheromones is controversial because we lack organs to detect them. However, Sarah Woodley, an assistant professor at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, who will speak at the same meeting, believes that people can still detect them via the nose.
2. | on Page 88: |
"Acts of Mcaning and crib. If, as Vladimir Propp once remarked, folktales begin in lack and displacement, this was surely a "narratogenic" time for Emily" |
[Gr.] giving rise to, causing.
through; using:
The London-Addis flight goes via Rome.
Reports are coming in via satellite.
I only found out about it via my sister.
6耶穌回答說:「ego sum via et veritas et vita( 我是道路、真理、生命),除非經過我,誰也不能到父那裡去。
6耶穌回答說:「ego sum via et veritas et vita( 我是道路、真理、生命),除非經過我,誰也不能到父那裡去。
若望福音:Chapter 14 |
1.ego sum via et veritas et vita. 単語・文法
原文は“ego sum …”なので,これをもとにして学んでいきます.まずは単語――
ego, pron. pers. 私
“エゴ”といえば哲学・精神分析用語で「自我」として有名.また英語の“egoism, egoist”などはもはや日本語であるほどに有名.しかしその語源,ラテン語の“ego”は人称代名詞で“私”.
sum, esse, fui, v.n. (動詞についての説明は前課の解説を見てください)
訳語が羅列してありますが,英語の be 動詞に相当します(英語同様に,最も複雑な不規則動詞).sum の現在形の変化は小林,第2課.そこに取り上げてある例文であるデカルトの有名な次の言葉を【練習問題】[2]とします.
Cogito, ergo sum.(コーギトー・エルゴー・スム) 解答はこちら
via, ae, f. 1 道路(以下省略)
この語は“via London”や“via air mail”のように英語では「…経由で」「…によって」の意味で使われています.
“via dolorosa”(悲しみの道)とは,イエスが処刑地ゴルゴタまで歩かれた道のことですが,転じて「苦難の道・苦しい試練」を意味します.
veritas, atis, f. [verus] 1 真理(以下省略)
スヴェーデンボリ神学での基本概念「善と真理」といえば“bonum et verum”であり,著作にはこの“verum”(または verus)の方が圧倒的に多く使われています.どちらも日本語では「真理」(英訳も truth)の一語に訳されています.この違いについて考察した結果は「研究:verum と veritas」に述べておきます.
vita, ae, f. [vivo] 1 生命(以下省略)
happening every three years:
the party's triennial congress
square the circle
If you try to square the circle you try to do something which is very difficult or impossible.

(causing people to be) unable to leave a place because of an unwanted condition:
During his long illness he was completely housebound (= he could not leave the house).
She has been wheelchair-bound for several years.
The airport was completely fogbound (= covered by fog).
See also

adjective [after verb]
going to:
She was on a plane bound for Moscow when she became ill.

Northbound traffic (= traffic which is travelling north) is moving very slowly because of the accident.
US The line did not close completely, but inbound and outbound trains (= trains which were arriving and leaving) had to share one of the two tracks near the station.