London Exchange Paralyzed by Glitch
The London Stock Exchange suffered a system failure that cut off trading in shares of some of Europe's largest companies for over seven hours.
Then they took me out drinking.
It was Saturday night. We (everyone but Grandma, that is) went to this place called the Tiki Hut, which is a tiny Polynesian-themed roadhouse on the highway outside Brainerd. Enter the Tiki Hut, and you are transported to a land far, far away from the sleet and winter wind outside. You are taken to a land of bamboo bar stools and thatched-grass roofs and a daiquiri-mixing young bartender with a bare midriff. If you shut your eyes and ignore the jukebox, the video-poker games, the burly deer hunters and the pool table, you can almost imagine that you are actually in the South Pacific.
Bodhisattvas and lay-people/ 菩薩と在家の信者Everything they ate had to be received from devout laypeople by going on daily alms-rounds.
Homeopathic Remedies for Health Professionals and Laypeople
The goal of this "brain-computer interface" work is to bring some form of communication to people who are fully conscious but paralyzed on account of disease or spinal-cord injuries.
Laypeople might think that to click a mouse, the brain sends some sort of "click mouse" signal that's easy to detect with medicine's growing arsenal of brain imaging hardware. No such luck.On any given day, the weather will include one or more of the following conditions: sun, clouds, rain, hail, sleet, snow, freezing rain and darkness.
While this model is completely accurate, its predictions aren't very helpful - a more complex model with a great deal of data as well as climatology expertise is necessary to get useful predictions. Fortunately, there's an entire profession devoted to attacking this problem, and providing information that can be easily accessed by laypeople (on a TV, radio or Web site) and used to make decisions.
A new program in Goa, India, trains laypeople to identify and treat depression and anxiety and send them to community health clinics.
layperson, laypeople
lay (NOT TRAINED) Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
not trained in or not having a detailed knowledge of a particular subject:
From a lay viewpoint the questionnaire is virtually incomprehensible.
See also layperson at layman (NOT TRAINED).
layman (NOT TRAINED) Show phonetics
noun [C] (ALSO layperson)
someone who is not trained in or does not have a detailed knowledge of a particular subject
par・a・lyze, par・a・lyse
sleet Show phonetics
noun [U]
wet, partly melted falling snow:
Driving snow and sleet brought more problems to the county's roads last night.
sleet Show phonetics
verb [I]
It's sleeting.
sleety Show phonetics
sleety rain