但擁抱新模式可能讓投資者陷入麻煩。上世紀70年代初,投資者相信,已經取得多年穩定成長的「漂亮50」(Nifty Fifty)大型股公司能夠在未來數年保持成長,但為此付出了慘痛代價。而先前的互聯網時代建立在更加不可信的預期上。
Microsoft may have developed its first nifty mobile device. But trying to sell and service it could prove a challenge.
a nifty car
Carrying a nifty-looking laptop isn’t just vanity. It can prove life-changing, as Ms. Poole, the flight attendant, well knows. Once, during a flight, she flirted with a passenger just because he was using a cool computer. Seven years later, he’s her husband.
Now, here’s a nifty little way for T-Mobile and Google to beef up the numbers on the G1, the first smartphone built on Android, Google’s mobile operating ...
In the case of the frescoes, a new lighting system was installed that recreates the sun’s dawn-to-dusk nuances. “It’s rather nifty to watch,” said Carlo Celia, one architect who worked on the project. And it’s an improvement over the previous lighting, which tended to flatten the frescoes.
Oh, how nifty -- Hula Hoop's 50
How time flies when you're having fun. Would you believe it was 50 years ago that Wham-O Toys released the Hula Hoop, selling more than 25 million in four months? The craze is believed to have started in Egypt in 1000 B.C., when children played with large hoops made of dried grapevines. According to "Historical Dictionary of the 1950s," Wham-O sold the toys for $1.98 in 1958. Today, Toys 'R Us sells Hula Hoops for $4.99.
Bro Culture: Icing on the Social-Marketing Cake?
By Ella Quittner
"icing" craze, a drinking game centered on Smirnoff Ice, might seem
like the Holy Grail of Internet marketing. So why isn't Diageo,
Smirnoff's parent company, smiling?
n. Slang, pl., bros.
- A brother.
- Friend; pal. Used as a form of familiar address for a man or boy: So long, bro.
[African American Vernacular English.]
adjective INFORMAL
good, pleasing or effective:
a nifty piece of work/footworka nifty little gadget
adj., -ti·er, -ti·est.
First-rate; great: a nifty idea.
n., pl., -ties.
A nifty person or thing, especially a clever joke.
[Origin unknown.]