Linguistic incantation and parody in Women in Love - novel by D.H. ...
Birkin and Loerke are set apart by their quickness and vitality, critical sense, ... D.H. Lawrence's The Rainbow and Women in Love; a critical study ... - 頁庫存檔Selected Short Stories - Google 圖書結果
D. H. Lawrence - 1993 - Fiction - 128 頁
He watched the quickness and softness of her young shoulders, calmly, like a husband, and appreciatively. "Rise up," she cried, turning to him with a quick ... The Fox by DH Lawrence | Books | The Guardian
-The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Rainbow, by D. H. Lawrence.
... by D. H. (David Herbert) Lawrence This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no .... had yet a quickness and a range of being that made Brangwen, ...
I said earlier, Deming's forte was logic, he couched each of his elements of Profound Knowledge as Theory of…systems, variation, knowledge, psychology.
But writing was his métier from the first. At 14 he had read all of Shakespeare and changed his name to Gore, rather than Gene, because it sounded literary and fine. He already knew, at St Alban’s in Washington, that he sprang from a famous line. Once his mother had remarried to Hugh Auchincloss, wealth was added to fame. He was always at ease in high society, supping on strawberries and lobster with Edith Sitwell and helping Princess Margaret rescue bees from the “grubby” Windsor swimming pool. He was equally cool in the spotlight, joshing with Paul Newman and charming Greta Garbo in Hollywood, before becoming a regular with Johnny Carson on “The Tonight Show”.
UK carrier 'fully ready in 2030'
Britain may be without a fully operational aircraft carrier until 2030, according to a report published by the Commons spending watchdog.
THE ART OF FIELDING. By Chad Harbach. (Little, Brown, $25.99.) This allusive, Franzen-like first novel, about a gifted but vulnerable baseball player, proceeds with a handsome stateliness.
THE BARBARIAN NURSERIES. By Héctor Tobar. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $27.) A big, insightful novel about social and ethnic conflict in contemporary Los Angeles.
BIG QUESTIONS. Or, Asomatognosia: Whose Hand Is It Anyway? Written and illustrated by Anders Brekhus Nilsen. (Drawn & Quarterly, cloth, $69.95; paper, $44.95.) In this capacious, metaphysically inclined graphic novel, a flock of finches act out Nilsen’s unsettling comic vision about the food chain, fate and death.
THE ART OF FIELDING. By Chad Harbach. (Little, Brown, $25.99.) This allusive, Franzen-like first novel, about a gifted but vulnerable baseball player, proceeds with a handsome stateliness.
THE BARBARIAN NURSERIES. By Héctor Tobar. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $27.) A big, insightful novel about social and ethnic conflict in contemporary Los Angeles.
BIG QUESTIONS. Or, Asomatognosia: Whose Hand Is It Anyway? Written and illustrated by Anders Brekhus Nilsen. (Drawn & Quarterly, cloth, $69.95; paper, $44.95.) In this capacious, metaphysically inclined graphic novel, a flock of finches act out Nilsen’s unsettling comic vision about the food chain, fate and death.
In 2003 Mr. Cayne passed on chances to diversify his firm by buying Pershing, the back office and clearing unit of Credit Suisse First Boston, and Neuberger Berman, a midsize money manager. “Acquisitions were not my forte,” Mr. Cayne told me. As a result, by the end, his top lieutenants stopped even trying to persuade him to diversify.
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- sup
- [動](〜ped, 〜・ping)(自)((古))夕食をとる;(…を)夕食として食べる((on, upon, off ...)).
- sup
- [動](〜ped, 〜・ping)((古))(他)〈スープ・飲み物を〉すする(sip);…をさじで少量ずつ食べる[飲む];(特に)〈ビールを〉ちびりちびり飲む((up)).━━(自)すする, さ...
métier - Wiktionary
[edit] Noun. métier (plural métiers). Any activity that is pursued as a trade or profession; a calling; An activity to which a person is particularly suited; a forte ...
- 音節
- met • i • er
- 発音
- méitjei
- metierの変化形
- metiers (複数形)
[名]((通例a [the] 〜))
1 商売, 職業, 仕事;(職業上の専門的な)方法, 流儀, メチエ.
2 ((形式))得意の分野, 専門, 得手.