Will the AI chatbots eat Google’s lunch?
Will the AI chatbots eat Google’s lunch?
real ale, lager,
稍微注意 Sunday lunchTo defeat or best someone thoroughly

noun [C or U]
a type of beer which is pale in colour and usually contains a lot of bubbles:
Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps, please.
━━ n. エール ((苦味の強いビール)); 〔英〕 =beer.

Lunch, an abbreviation for luncheon, is a meal eaten around midday.[1] During the 20th century, the meaning gradually narrowed to a small or mid-sized meal eaten midday. Lunch is commonly the second meal of the day, after breakfast. The meal varies in size depending on the culture, and significant variations exist in different areas of the world.
The abbreviation lunch is taken from the more formal Northern English word luncheon, which is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word nuncheon or nunchin meaning 'noon drink'.[2] The term has been in common use since 1823.[3][a] The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) reports usage of the words beginning in 1580 to describe a meal that was eaten between more substantial meals. It may also mean a piece of cheese or bread.[3]
In medieval Germany, there are references to similariar, a sir lunchentach according to the OED, a noon draught – of ale, with bread – an extra meal between midday dinner and supper, especially during the long hours of hard labour during haying or early harvesting.
但是在十三世紀以前 ,Noon的原意,是數學的9。歐洲的早晨是上午6點鐘,往後算9個小時,下午3點才是Noon。
數學家安格里克斯(Robert Anglicus, 1219-1295),是聖法蘭西斯修會的修士,他將noon的定義,改到12點,以N表示,列於時鐘的最上方,讓人方便看到。時鐘一到,工人就可以吃飯。借此,他「鬆開兇惡的繩,解下軛上的索,使被欺壓的得自由。」(以賽亞書58:6)。
In the United Kingdom, except on Sundays, lunch is often a small meal, designed to stave off hunger until returning home from work and eating dinner. It is usually eaten early in the afternoon.[16] Lunch is often purveyed and consumed in pubs.[17] Pub lunch dishes include fish and chips, ploughman's lunch and others.[16] But on Sundays it is usually the main meal, and typically the largest and most formal meal of the week, to which family or other guests may be invited. It traditionally centres on a Sunday roast joint of meat. It may be served rather later than a weekday lunch, or not.
power lunch
power lunch (ビジネス界の有力者たちの)昼食会.
power breakfast/lunch
an occasion at which people eat while they are working and talking about business
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
"吃飯就吃飯,何必要冠以“實力”二字呢?這是因為這些餐桌上的話題通常都有相當大的份量,動轍就是幾億、幾十億美元的並購交易。對於很多中國人而言,這或 許有點匪夷所思,因為我們喜歡關著門討論問題,不論是國事還是家事。但是在美國,很多重要的生意都是在這些公開的餐桌上談成的。2003年底華納唱片公司 易手就是買家和賣家在曼哈頓的四季酒店共進午餐時敲定的。據說當時買方和賣方兩人低頭談了很久,就連周圍就餐的幾位商界巨頭--包括露華濃公司 (Revlon Inc.)老板、億萬富翁Ronald Perelman和雅詩蘭黛(Estee Lauder)家族繼承人Ronald S. Lauder--也不時朝他們的餐桌瞥上一眼。幾天後就傳來了華納被賣的消息。此外,歷史上最大的並購案、價值1,010億美元的荷蘭銀行(ABN Amro)三方分拆草案也是去年年初三家收購方總裁和美林的一位投資銀行家在日內瓦四季酒店一邊喝著葡萄酒一邊在午餐桌上擬就的。
“實 力”還有另一層意思,那就是到這幾家餐館就餐的大多是有權有勢的人物。這些人一般很少帶助手,因為這裡是他們這個級別的人的起居室,是他們聊天、拉關系、 談生意的地方。雖然誰都可以去,但你如果不了解每張桌上就餐者的背景和相互間的微妙關系
power breakfast/lunch
an occasion at which people eat while they are working and talking about business
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
"吃飯就吃飯,何必要冠以“實力”二字呢?這是因為這些餐桌上的話題通常都有相當大的份量,動轍就是幾億、幾十億美元的並購交易。對於很多中國人而言,這或 許有點匪夷所思,因為我們喜歡關著門討論問題,不論是國事還是家事。但是在美國,很多重要的生意都是在這些公開的餐桌上談成的。2003年底華納唱片公司 易手就是買家和賣家在曼哈頓的四季酒店共進午餐時敲定的。據說當時買方和賣方兩人低頭談了很久,就連周圍就餐的幾位商界巨頭--包括露華濃公司 (Revlon Inc.)老板、億萬富翁Ronald Perelman和雅詩蘭黛(Estee Lauder)家族繼承人Ronald S. Lauder--也不時朝他們的餐桌瞥上一眼。幾天後就傳來了華納被賣的消息。此外,歷史上最大的並購案、價值1,010億美元的荷蘭銀行(ABN Amro)三方分拆草案也是去年年初三家收購方總裁和美林的一位投資銀行家在日內瓦四季酒店一邊喝著葡萄酒一邊在午餐桌上擬就的。
“實 力”還有另一層意思,那就是到這幾家餐館就餐的大多是有權有勢的人物。這些人一般很少帶助手,因為這裡是他們這個級別的人的起居室,是他們聊天、拉關系、 談生意的地方。雖然誰都可以去,但你如果不了解每張桌上就餐者的背景和相互間的微妙關系
LUNCH was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.