More than 1,300 farm animals, including pigs, calves, and goats, were stolen this summer in Japan's Kanto region. During the investigation, local police arrested a group of Vietnamese nationals on suspicion of overstaying their visas. Their connection to the thefts is still unclear but NHK followed a trail of social media posts advertising butchered pigs. We learned about the tough situation faced by Vietnamese technical trainees, and how the pandemic is making things even more difficult.
As the Trump administration demands funding for a border wall, a new study finds that for the seventh year in a row, visa overstays far exceeded unauthorized border crossings.
For Seventh Consecutive Year Visa Overstays Exceeded Illegal Border Crossings
"I never think it’s a good idea to outstay your welcome. And it seems right to leave, so, I don’t think we’re doing the wrong thing, but it’s been a happy time." - Julian Fellowes
Entertainment-media overkill and film industry anxiety have given the Oscars a cultural and economic importance that they were never meant to have.
Danny Sullivan, who started Search Engine Watch in 1997 and is now editor of the blog Search Engine Land, said some of the reaction to Google's dominance may be overkill.
"I see governments around the world a bit concerned that the U.S. dominates the search industry, although Quaero is much more restricted to multimedia search," Sullivan said. "We may be going through a repeat of the whole Boeing-Airbus situation."
Both feature a politically correct hero who opposed slavery, protected animals and encouraged women writers. Both give shorter shrift to political issues that might bore 21st-century readers (Johnson’s Jacobite sympathies) or repel them (his attacks on republicanism and religious dissent).
Tibetans need to have human rights in Tibet,
In Tibetan
Tibetans call their homeland Bod (བོད་), pronounced [pʰøʔ] in Lhasa dialect. It is first attested in the geography of Ptolemy as βαται (batai) (Beckwith, C. U. of Indiana Diss. 1977). Tibetans refer to Tibet as a "fatherland" (Tibetan: ཕ་ཡུལ་; Wylie: pha-yul), whereas "motherland" (Tibetan: མ་ཡུལ་; Wylie: ma-yul) is a neologism introduced in the 1960s to refer to China.[citation needed]In Chinese
The modern Chinese name for Tibet, 西藏 (Xīzàng), is a phonetic transliteration derived from the region called
The Internet might be the best and cheapest way to spread an idea, but its role in furthering terrorism has been overestimated by Western governments, a new study says.
Consumers Want, and Are Skeptical About, Eco-Electronics
More than 50 percent of consumers believe some companies overstate the environmental friendliness of their products in order to sell more.
Withdrawal Follows a Failure to Ignite
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty withdrew from the Republican presidential race after a distant third-place showing in Iowa's straw poll and a failure to gain traction in national surveys.
Opinion: Nuclear energy has outstayed its welcome
While the full extent of the damage to Japan's nuclear reactors has not been assessed, the debate about atomic energy has been reignited. Deutsche Welle's Judith Hartl says nuclear power should be phased out - and fast.[more]
tr.v., -stayed, -stay·ing, -stays.v. tr. - 逗留得超過...規定的時間
v. - 長居する, 長居し過ぎる
To stay beyond the set limits or expected duration of; outstay: The guests overstayed their welcome.
The act of holding an investment for too long. It often occurs when traders attempt to time the market by identifying the end of a price trend and the beginning of a new one, but, due to greed and fear, tend to overstay their positions. This usually results in reduced gains or, worse, further losses.
tr.v., -stayed, -stay·ing, -stays.
Withdrawal Follows a Failure to Ignite
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty withdrew from the Republican presidential race after a distant third-place showing in Iowa's straw poll and a failure to gain traction in national surveys.
Opinion: Nuclear energy has outstayed its welcome
While the full extent of the damage to Japan's nuclear reactors has not been assessed, the debate about atomic energy has been reignited. Deutsche Welle's Judith Hartl says nuclear power should be phased out - and fast.[more]
(ō'vər-stā')tr.v., -stayed, -stay·ing, -stays.v. tr. - 逗留得超過...規定的時間
v. - 長居する, 長居し過ぎる
To stay beyond the set limits or expected duration of; outstay: The guests overstayed their welcome.
The act of holding an investment for too long. It often occurs when traders attempt to time the market by identifying the end of a price trend and the beginning of a new one, but, due to greed and fear, tend to overstay their positions. This usually results in reduced gains or, worse, further losses.

tr.v., -stayed, -stay·ing, -stays.
- To stay longer than (another or others); overstay: guests who outstayed their welcome.
- To show greater endurance than: She outstayed her opponents and won the race.
- [ignáit]
1 ((形式))…に火をつける;…を燃やす
ignite fuel
2 〈心などを〉燃え立たせる, 激させる.
3 《化学》…を強熱する, 焼く.
━━(自)((形式))火がつく, 燃えだす.
[ラテン語ignitus (ignis火+-ite=点火された)]
[名]点火装置;《電子工学》イグナイター, 点弧子.verb [T]
to describe or explain something in a way that makes it seem more important or serious than it really is:
The impact of the new legislation has been greatly overstated.
The shareholders seem to think that the executive board is overstating the case for a merger.
NOTE: The opposite is understate.
noun [C or U]
when someone describes or explains something in a way that makes it seem more important or serious than it really is:
It would be an overstatement to say that Lewis deserved to win the race.
v., -charged, -charg·ing, -charg·es.
- To charge (a party) an excessive price for something.
- To fill too full; overload.
- To overstate or exaggerate.
To charge too much.
n. (ō'vər-chärj')
- (Abbr. o/c) An excessive charge or price.
- A load or burden that is too full or heavy.
n.- Destructive nuclear capacity exceeding the amount needed to destroy an enemy.
- Excessive killing.
- An excess of what is necessary or appropriate for a particular end: “government overkill in dealing with dissent” (Jesse Unruh).
To destroy (an enemy or enemy target) with more nuclear force than necessary.
━━ n. (核兵器の)過剰殺傷[破壊]力.

vt. 必要以上に殺傷する.

v. t.
To stand on the price or conditions of, so as to lose a sale; to lose by an extravagant price or hard conditions. [Obs.]
What madman would o'erstand his market twice?Dryden.
verb [T]
to advance something:
He has probably done more to further the cause of interracial harmony than any other person.
Additional training is probably the best way to further your career these days.
noun [U] FORMAL
The charter states that the press shall be devoted to printing and publishing in the furtherance and dissemination of knowledge.
━━ n. チベット(西蔵) ((ヒマラヤ山脈北方の地域;中国領)).

Jacobite(jăk'ə-bīt')![]() |
A supporter of James II of England or of the Stuart pretenders after 1688.
[From Latin Iacōbus, James. See Jacob.]

━━ n., a. 【英史】ジャコバイト(派の) ((名誉革命で退位した James II(の子孫)を復位させようとした)).