An Apple of Discord in China
Government Discord Derails Massive European Merger
and EADS called off their merger after the U.K., France and Germany
failed to agree on how much influence they should have over the combined
Deficit Panel Seeks to Defer Details on Raising Taxes
The Congressional deficit reduction panel is hoping to strike an accord on revenue levels but delay tough decisions on raising taxes until next year.
People who snap easily tend to lack the ability to aptly express themselves, according to Shin. We accept our own emotions and communicate them to others. However, when the ability to control one's emotions is low, emotions immediately overflow and cause a flood.
Apparently, other factors such as heavy use of cellphones and videogames and fewer opportunities for conversation are also behind the trend. "Good anger" helps people maintain ties with others, whereas "snapping" severs them, according to Shin.
'WHAT do you think she'd do if she caught us? We oughtn't to have it, you know,' said Maisie.
'Beat me, and lock you up in your bedroom,' Dick answered, without hesitation. 'Have you got the cartridges?'
'Yes; they're in my pocket, but they are joggling horribly. Do pin-fire cartridges go off of their own accord?'
'Don't know. Take the revolver, if you are afraid, and let me carry them.'
'I'm not afraid.' Maisie strode forward swiftly, a hand in her pocket and her chin in the air. Dick followed with a small pin-fire revolver.
And the Fair Land

v., filled, fill·ing, fills. v.tr.
To become full.
fill in
fill (someone's) shoes

To fail to agree or harmonize; clash.
of one's own accord
Also, of one's own free will. Voluntarily, without prompting or coercion, as in The entire audience rose of their own accord, or No, I'm climbing this mountain of my own free will. The first term dates from about 1450, the variant from about 1600.
'WHAT do you think she'd do if she caught us? We oughtn't to have it, you know,' said Maisie.
'Beat me, and lock you up in your bedroom,' Dick answered, without hesitation. 'Have you got the cartridges?'
'Yes; they're in my pocket, but they are joggling horribly. Do pin-fire cartridges go off of their own accord?'
'Don't know. Take the revolver, if you are afraid, and let me carry them.'
'I'm not afraid.' Maisie strode forward swiftly, a hand in her pocket and her chin in the air. Dick followed with a small pin-fire revolver.
And the Fair Land
all our social discord we yet remain the longest enduring society of
free men governing themselves without benefit of kings or dictators.'
Discord Fills Washington on Possible Libya Intervention
Nearly three weeks after Libya erupted in what may now turn into a
protracted civil war, the politics of military intervention grow more
complicated each day.
Deutsche Must Fill Jain's Shoes
German Lender's Choice of Investment-Bank Chief to Succeed Jain Will Be Crucial
fill someone's shoes
Assume someone's position or duties, especially in a satisfactory way. For example, It'll be hard to find someone to fill her shoes when she retires, or John expects his son to fill his shoes at the store.
Also see in someone's shoes.
Also, in someone else's shoes; in someone's place or stead. Acting for another person or experiencing something as another person might; in another's position or situation. For example, If you were in my shoes, would you ask the new secretary for a date? or In your shoes I wouldn't accept the offer, or Can you go to the theater in my place? or He was speaking in her stead. The idioms alluding to shoes, with their image of stepping into someone's shoes, date from about 1700 and are generally used in a conditional clause beginning with if. Stead, dating from the 1300s, and place, from the 1500s, are used more loosely. Also see fill someone's shoes; put someone in his or her place; take someone's place.
German Lender's Choice of Investment-Bank Chief to Succeed Jain Will Be Crucial
fill someone's shoes
Assume someone's position or duties, especially in a satisfactory way. For example, It'll be hard to find someone to fill her shoes when she retires, or John expects his son to fill his shoes at the store.
Also see in someone's shoes.
Also, in someone else's shoes; in someone's place or stead. Acting for another person or experiencing something as another person might; in another's position or situation. For example, If you were in my shoes, would you ask the new secretary for a date? or In your shoes I wouldn't accept the offer, or Can you go to the theater in my place? or He was speaking in her stead. The idioms alluding to shoes, with their image of stepping into someone's shoes, date from about 1700 and are generally used in a conditional clause beginning with if. Stead, dating from the 1300s, and place, from the 1500s, are used more loosely. Also see fill someone's shoes; put someone in his or her place; take someone's place.
(fĭl) v., filled, fill·ing, fills. v.tr.
- To put into (a container, for example) as much as can be held: fill a glass with milk.
- To supply or provide to the fullest extent: filled the mall with new stores.
- To build up the level of (low-lying land) with material such as earth or gravel.
- To stop or plug up (an opening, for example).
- To repair a cavity of (a tooth).
- To add a foreign substance to (cloth or wood, for example).
- To satiate, as with food and drink.
- To satisfy or meet; fulfill: fill the requirements. See synonyms at satisfy.
- To complete (something) by insertion or addition: fill in the blanks.
- To supply with material, such as writing, an inscription, or an illustration: filled the blank spaces on the page with notes.
- To supply as required: fill a prescription; fill an order.
- To place a person in: fill a job vacancy.
- To possess and discharge the duties of; hold: fill a post.
- To occupy the whole of; pervade: Music filled the room.
- To spread throughout: Fear filled the city.
- To engage or occupy completely; make full: filled the child's mind with strange ideas; a story that filled our hearts with joy.
- To cover the surface of (an inexpensive metal) with a layer of precious metal, such as gold.
- Nautical.
- To cause (a sail) to swell.
- To adjust (a yard) so that wind will cause a sail to swell.
To become full.
- An amount needed to make full, complete, or satisfied: eat one's fill.
- Material for filling a container, cavity, or passage.
- A built-up piece of land; an embankment.
- The material, such as earth or gravel, used for this.
fill in
- Informal. To provide with information that is essential or newly acquired: I wasn't there-would you fill me in?
- To act as a substitute; stand in: an understudy who filled in at the last minute.
- To complete (a form, for example) by providing required information: carefully filled out the job application.
- To become or make more fleshy: He filled out after age 35.
fill (someone's) shoes
- To assume someone's position or duties.
- To serve a particular purpose.
[Middle English fillen, from Old English fyllan.]
fillable fill'a·ble adj.
(dĭs'kôrd') n.
- Lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things.
- Tension or strife resulting from a lack of agreement; dissension.
- A confused or harsh sound or mingling of sounds.
- Music. An inharmonious combination of simultaneously sounded tones; a dissonance.
To fail to agree or harmonize; clash.
[Middle English, from Old French descorde, from Latin discordia, from discors, discord-, disagreeing : dis-, apart; see dis- + cor, cord-, heart.]
SYNONYMS discord, strife, contention, dissension, conflict, clash, variance. These nouns refer to a state of disagreement and disharmony. Discord is a lack of harmony often marked by bickering and antipathy: family discord. Strife usually implies a struggle, often destructive, between rivals or factions: political strife. Contention suggests a dispute in the form of heated debate or quarreling: lively contention among the candidates. Dissension implies difference of opinion that disrupts unity within a group: rampant dissension among the staff. Conflict suggests antagonism of ideas or interests that often results in hostility or divisiveness: conflict between smoking and nonsmoking factions. Clash involves irreconcilable ideas or interests: a personality clash. Variance usually suggests discrepancy or incompatibility: actions at variance with his principles.
of one's own accord
Also, of one's own free will. Voluntarily, without prompting or coercion, as in The entire audience rose of their own accord, or No, I'm climbing this mountain of my own free will. The first term dates from about 1450, the variant from about 1600.
To speak abruptly or sharply: snapped at the child.In what is likely to be the last snapshot of its financial condition before an expected May IPO, Facebook disclosed Monday that its first-quarter profit and revenue declined from the final quarter of 2011.
- 発音記号[əkɔ'ːrd]
- [動](自)[I([副])]((形式))(…と)一致[調和]する, 合う, (…に)かなう((with ...))
accord with one's hopes [principles, reason]
人の希望[主義, 道理]にかなう.
人の希望[主義, 道理]にかなう.
1 ((形式))[III[名]]…を与える;[accord A to B/accord B A]〈B(人)にA(賞賛・許可・特別待遇など)を〉与える, 許す, 授ける
accord him exceptional opportunities
Due praise was accorded to him. [=He was accorded due praise. ]
I was only accorded a short visit with him.
2 ((古))…を一致[調和]させる.
1 ((形式))[U][C]調和, 協和;(…との)(意見・見解の)一致, 合意((with ...));[C](国際間の)協定, 講和
get into accord with the atmosphere of the place
reach (an) accord with ...
2 [U][C]《音楽》和音.
3 《金融》(アメリカの財務省と連邦準備制度の間での国債価格に関する)同意.
be of one accord
We are of one accord in admitting this to be true.
in [out of] accord with ...
I am in full accord with your viewpoint.
of one's own accord
He left of his own accord.
with one accord
((文))こぞって, いっせいに.snap[snap]
v. , snapped, snap·ping, snaps.
v.intr.- To make a brisk sharp cracking sound: "Logs snapped in the grate" (James Fox).
- To break suddenly with a brisk, sharp, cracking sound.
- To give way abruptly under pressure or tension: With so many people crowding onto the platform, its supports snapped.
- To suffer a physical or mental breakdown, especially while under stress: feared that the troops would snap from fatigue.
- To bring the jaws briskly together, often with a clicking sound; bite.
- To snatch or grasp suddenly and with eagerness: snap at a chance to go to China.
- To speak abruptly or sharply: snapped at the child.
- To move swiftly and smartly: snap to attention. See synonyms at jerk1.
- To flash or appear to flash light; sparkle: eyes that snapped with anger.
- To open, close, or fit together with a click: The lock snapped shut. The jacket snaps in front.
- To snatch at with or as if with the teeth; bite.
- To pull apart or break with a snapping sound.
- To utter abruptly or sharply: The sergeant snapped out a command.
- To cause to emit a snapping sound: snap a whip.
- To close or latch with a snapping sound: snapped the purse shut.
- To cause to move abruptly and smartly: "His head was snapped back by a sudden scream from the bed" (James Michener).
- To take (a photograph).
- To photograph: snapped the winner on the podium.
- Football. To center (a football); hike.
- A sudden sharp cracking sound or the action producing such a sound.
- A sudden breaking.
- A clasp, catch, or other fastening device that operates with a snapping sound.
- A sudden attempt to bite, snatch, or grasp.
- The sound produced by rapid movement of a finger from the thumb tip to the base of the thumb.
- The act of producing this sound.
- The sudden release of something held under pressure or tension.
- A thin, crisp, usually circular cookie: a ginger snap.
- Capacity to make a snapping sound; elasticity: This waistband has lost its snap.
- Informal. Briskness, liveliness, or energy.
- A brief spell of brisk, cold weather.
- Something accomplished without effort. See synonyms at breeze1.
- A snapshot.
- The taking of a snapshot.
- A snap bean.
- Football. The passing of a football from the center to a back that initiates each play. Also called hike.
- Made or done suddenly, with little or no preparation: a snap decision.
- Fastening with a snap: snap pockets.
- Informal. Simple; easy: a snap assignment.
With a snap.
- 発音記号[snǽp][動](〜ped, 〜・ping)(自)
1 [I[0]/II[形]]〈小枝などが〉ポキッと折れる, 〈ロープなどが〉プツンと切れる;〈神経などが〉(緊張で)急に耐えられなくなる
snap short
My patience has snapped.
2 [I[0]/II[形]]〈ドア・ふた・かぎなどが〉パチン[カチッ, パタン]としまる[掛かる]
The door snapped shut.
3 (はじけるような)鋭い音をたてる
The twigs snapped in the campfire.
4 (…に)パクッとかみつく;(人に)かみつくように[鋭く]言う((at ...))
His dog snapped at me.
5 (機会などに)飛びつく((at ...))
snap at the opportunity to study abroad
6 〈目が〉(怒りなどを表して)きらっと光る.
7 きびきび行動する
snap to attention
snap into action
8 (改まったポーズをつけずに)撮影する, スナップ写真を撮る.
9 ((米俗))頭がおかしくなる, プッツンする.
1 [III[名]([副])]〈小枝などを〉ポキンと折る((off))
Nervously, he snapped the pencil in two.
2 [III[名]([副])/V[名][形]]…をパチン[ピシッ, カチッ]と鳴らす;…をパチンと閉じる[開く, 操作する]
snap a lid down
snap one's fingers
She snapped the radio off.
A command from the officer snapped the men to attention.
3 …をぱくっとかむ, にぱっとかみついて取る;…をす早くつかむ;…に飛びつく;…をひったくる;…を先を争って買う((up, off))
snap up the bait
4 〈人に〉かみつくように言う;(鋭い口調で)〈人(の話)を〉さえぎる((up));〈小言・命令・返答などを〉鋭い口調です早く言う((out))
snap out one's reply
He snapped me up short.
5 〈判決・法案を〉十分審議せずに手早く決める.
6 …のスナップ写真を撮る.
7 《建築》〈測線を〉(表面に)手早く移す, 墨出しする.
8 《アメフト》〈攻撃側のセンターが〉〈ボールを〉スナップする:バックの1人に投げる.
9 《野球》〈ボールを〉す早く投げる.
10 《狩り》〈弾丸を〉す早く撃つ.
11 ((米俗))逮捕する, パクる.
snap back
(1) 〈ばねなどが〉跳ね返る;ぱっと立ち直る.(2) ぱっと言い返す((at ...)).
snap into it
((米略式))さっとやりだす, すぐ開始する.
snap it up/snap to it
snap on a person
〈人を〉(特に公の場で)侮辱する, ばかにする.
snap out of ...
…からぱっと立ち直る, 気を取り直す
snap out of one's daydreaming
1 ビシッと打つこと[音], ポキッと折(れ)ること[音], パチンと割(れ)ること[音], 指を鳴らすこと[音]
The twig broke with a snap.
2 ((略式))スナップ写真(snapshot)
take a snap of a person
3 ((米略式))楽な仕事[科目]
It was no snap.
4 [U]スナップ:トランプ遊びの一つ.
5 ((米))留め金, 掛け金, 尾錠, スナップ(snap fastener).
6 薄くてさくさくするクッキー[ビスケット].
7 [U]
(1) ((略式))敏活さ, 活気, 活発, 精力
(1) ((略式))敏活さ, 活気, 活発, 精力
That song has a lively snap.
(2) (味が)ピリッときいていることあの歌はたいへん活気がある.
a curry with plenty of snap
9 ぱくっとかむ[食いつく, ひったくる, 飛びつく]こと;かみ取った[ひったくった]物;一口[一つかみ]分
The dog took a snap at the stranger.
10 一時的な寒波.
11 《アメフト》スナップ, スナッピング.
12 ((北イング))(労働者・旅行者の)弁当.
in a snap
すぐに, ただちに.
not a snap
少しも…でない, 全然…でない(not at all).
not give [care] a snap (of one's fingers) for ...
…に関心をまったく持たない, …を問題にしない, 無視する.
1 ばね仕掛けの, パチンとしまる.
2 急の, 即座の, 不意の
a snap decision
3 ((米))楽な, やさしい
a snap history quiz
━━[副]ポキッと, プツンと
go snap
1 ((トランプのスナップゲームで, 同じ2枚のカードがでたとき発する声))スナップ.
2 ((略式))((同じ種類の物を見つけたとき発する声))あれ, これと同じだ.snápshòt[snáp・shòt]
1 スナップ写真.
2 寸描, 寸見;断片.
━━[動](〜・ted, 〜・ting)(他)(自)スナップ写真を撮る.