因為熟讀過Isaiah Berlin (牛津大學Wolfson College創始院長Founding President,1909-97) 的傳記和某些作品, 所以感覺此地很親切。
Wolfson College 網頁的 College History 特別介紹Berlin 院長:https://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/history/berlin
很意思有的是,網頁似乎完全沒說建物捐贈者家族:內行人知道, Wolfson College 的 Wolfson家族是也: https://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/history/berlin
雖然介紹該學院重視自然科學和技術,不過2015.11.9 參訪學院網頁,知道她有西藏/喜瑪拉雅研究的年度演講:
Wolfson College 網頁的 College History 特別介紹Berlin 院長:https://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/history/berlin
很意思有的是,網頁似乎完全沒說建物捐贈者家族:內行人知道, Wolfson College 的 Wolfson家族是也: https://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/history/berlin
雖然介紹該學院重視自然科學和技術,不過2015.11.9 參訪學院網頁,知道她有西藏/喜瑪拉雅研究的年度演講:
Inaugural annual Aris Lecture in Tibetan studies
Professor Janet Gyatso gave the first annual Aris lecture on Thursday October 22 for the Tibetan and Himalayan...
Professor Janet Gyatso gave the first annual Aris lecture on Thursday October 22 for the Tibetan and Himalayan...
University of Oxford──和 Tony Fonolahi 及其他 8 人。
Coming up to its 50th anniversary, Wolfson College is one of the youngest colleges in Oxford and prides itself on a non-hierarchical structure, where students and professors eat and talk side-by-side.
The college motto, 'humani nil alienum', is from a quote by the Roman playwright Terence that translates as: 'Nothing to do with human beings is foreign to me.'
The college motto, 'humani nil alienum', is from a quote by the Roman playwright Terence that translates as: 'Nothing to do with human beings is foreign to me.'

Bath bombs are hard-packed mixtures of dry ingredients which effervesces when wet. They are used to add essential oils, scent, bubbles and color to bathwater.
浴炸彈是乾成分的硬包裝混合物,在潮濕時起泡。 它們被用來將香精油,香水,氣泡和顏色添加到洗澡水中。
Andrew Weissmann, Mueller's Legal Pit Bull
Mr. Weissmann, on leave from the Justice Department, brings decades of experience prosecuting Mafia heads and white-collar crime to the Russia investigation.
Yang, the owner, over the phone what we were looking for, so he took us straight to a dim room heated by a coal brazier that echoed with the barking of a dozen pit bull puppies and bulldogs.
比特鬥牛㹴(英語:Pit Bull),是一個大品種,是一個通用名稱,為數種鬥牛類犬之總稱。
Pit bull is the common name for a type of dog. Formal breeds often considered in North America to be of the pit bull type include the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier.[1][2] The American Bulldog is also sometimes included. Many of these breeds were originally developed as fighting dogs from cross breeding bull-baiting dogs (used to hold the faces and heads of larger animals such as bulls) and terriers. After the use of dogs in blood sports was banned, such dogs were used as catch dogs in the United States for semi-wild cattle and hogs, to hunt and drive livestock, and as family companions.[3] Despite dog fighting now being illegal in the United States, it still exists as an underground activity, and pit bulls are a common breed of choice.[4][5][6]
(something) seems foreign to me
This phrase describes something that you don't know much about, don't understand well, and can't even imagine clearly. For example:
The idea of waiting until you're in your late 30's to have a child seems so foreign to me.
I've been a vegetarian for so long now that the idea of eating meat seems completely foreign to me now.
This doesn't mean that these things seem like they're from a foreign country; it means that they're "foreign concepts". A foreign concept is an idea that seems strange and hard to understand.