Laura Klivans/KQED
Hang 20: Abbie Girl Takes Top Pooch In World Dog Surfing Championship
The dogs are scored by a group of three judges. "No. 1 is stay on the board and No. 2 is looking happy," one judge explained.
Bad Rollo!
Couple spend £25,000 on dog-proof kitchen to stop chocolate labrador Rollo eating everything
This is one hungry pooch.
Filling the Telegenic Seats Cutting the price of premium stadiums seat raises the question of whether the recession mercy extended to the richest fans might be trickled down to the less affluent.
The Presidential Pooch 总统家的小狗
The world has been watching US President Barack Obama closely since he took office in January this year to see whether he makes good on his promises about the economy, foreign policy and health care.
But closer to home, he has also been under pressure from his two daughters to keep one particular pledge: to give them a new dog as a reward for coping with his election campaign.
On Tuesday the nation's hotly-anticipated 'first puppy' was unveiled. Named Bo, the shaggy-haired pooch is a six-month-old Portuguese water dog which is black with a white chest, white goatee and white paws.
"He's got star quality," said President Obama as he and his family paraded the dog on the White House lawn in front of reporters.
He then joked, "I finally got a friend. It took some time," referring to Harry Truman's famous line, "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog."
The breed of dog is special in that it doesn't shed hair, and so is less aggravating to his 10-year-old daughter Malia who suffers from allergies.
Water dogs are also bred to be strong swimmers and even have webbed feet, but as seven-year-old daughter Sasha pointed out to reporters, "He doesn't know how to swim."
And while it may be the nation's "first puppy", President Obama left reporters in no doubt about who was top dog in the household. When asked where Bo would sleep, Obama replied, "Not in my bed".
The dog was a gift from close family friend Senator Edward Kennedy. He said the breed would be a "perfect fit for the Obama family", as the dogs have a "can-do and hopeful spirit".
GLOSSARY 词汇表 (收听发音, 请单击英语单词)
Ask Congress to manage a few hundred thousand photogenic mustangs, and they try to spend their way to popularity. Small wonder welfare for humans is beyond reform
19 世紀中葉就有照相機 所以"很上相的"叫為:
having a face that looks attractive in photographs
1939模仿上一用法 將"很上電視鏡頭的" 稱為:
adjective APPROVING
(especially of a person) appearing attractive on television:
With their new youthful and telegenic leader, the Labour party looks set to woo the voters.
a dog:
a pampered pooch
a big cuddly/cute little pooch
gaga (IN LOVE)
adjective [after verb] INFORMALhaving a strong but usually temporary love for someone:
She's totally gaga about/over him!
Just standing near her makes him go gaga!

It's just incredible. I've taken 900 pictures this week on a Geek Cruise of Caribbean islands with my kids (they're incredibly photogenic, if I may say so).
Five Fun Little Gadgets
I do a lot of stuff for The Times: a weekly print column, this weekly e-column, a daily blog, a weekly audio podcast and a weekly video. As a result, I can never blame people who get these various efforts confused ("I got your podcast in my e-mail today!"), or who have no idea that the videos, for example, even exist.
Anyway, my video last week profiled five fun little gadgets that were too trivial to write about in my columns, but seemed telegenic enough to show off on camera 攝影機. Each would make a great stocking stuffer; each solves a minor technology problem in an ingenious way.
mercy (KINDNESS)
noun [U]
kindness and forgiveness shown towards someone whom you have authority over:
She appealed to the judge to have mercy on her husband.
The prisoners pleaded for mercy.
The gunmen showed no mercy, killing innocent men and women.
adjective APPROVING
describes someone who shows kindness and forgiveness to people who are in their power:
"God is merciful, " said the priest.
a merciful ruler
having or showing no mercy:
There are reports of merciless attacks on innocent civilians.
There was no shelter from the merciless (= very strong) heat.
Louis was teased mercilessly by his schoolmates.