Graduate students from around the country came to Princeton to improve the experiences of women in philosophy.
丁連財分享了 INSIDE OUTSIDE Magazine 的相片。
國南卡州查理城、查爾斯敦(Charleston:Charles=Charles II of England;
Trinitarism: Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit是三又是一)。
Unitarian Church in Charleston, South Carolina.
Unity Temple is a Unitarian Universalist church in Oak Park, Illinois, and the home of the Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation. It was designed by the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, and built between 1905 and 1908. Unity Temple is considered to be one of Wright's most important structures dating from the first decade of the twentieth century.[3] Because of its consolidation of aesthetic intent and structure through use of a single material, reinforced concrete, Unity Temple is considered by many architects to be the first modern building in the world. This idea became of central importance to the modern architects who followed Wright, such as Mies Van Der Rohe, and even the post-modernists, such as Frank Gehry.
Unity Temple is located at 875 Lake Street, Oak Park Illinois. (The Unitarian Universalist congregation that owns and worships in Unity Temple was formed in 1871, and has no connection with Unity Church, a religious organization founded in 1889.)
英國倫敦市中心著名的五星級酒店「雅典娜神殿」(Athenaeum)在聖誕日發生火警,大約150名住客要緊急疏散,當中一人因為吸入過量濃煙,感到不適,要即場接受治療。火警在清晨接近7時半的時候發生,首先是酒店的地庫起火,該處有四分一的地方火光熊熊。 ...
Greek Mythologyn.
- An institution, such as a literary club or scientific academy, for the promotion of learning.
- A place, such as a library, where printed materials are available for reading.
- (initial capital letter) a sanctuary of Athena at Athens, built by theRoman emperor Hadrian, and frequented by poets and scholars.
[Late Latin Athēnaeum, a Roman school, after Greek Athēnaion, the temple of Athena, from Athēna, Athena.]
As if tailor-made for a weekend getaway, a series of historic athenaeums lines up in New England.
- 1
Used in the names of libraries or institutions for literary or scientific study:
‘the Boston Athenaeum’
More example sentences1.1 Used in the titles of periodicals concerned with literature, science, and art.
Example sentences1.2 A London club founded in 1824, originally for men of distinction in literature, art, and learning.
Mid 18th century: via Latin from Greek Athēnaion, denoting the temple of the goddess Athene in ancient Athens (which was used for teaching).

━━ n. (the ~) アテナ神殿 ((詩人・学者が集まった)); (a-) 文芸[科学]研究会; (a-) 読書室, 図書室.
Definition of temple
noun- (the Temple) either of two successive religious buildings of the Jews in Jerusalem. The first (957–586 bc) was built by Solomon and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar; it contained the Ark of the Covenant. The second (515 bc- ad 70) was enlarged by Herod the Great from 20 bc and destroyed by the Romans during a Jewish revolt; all that remains is the Western Wall.
Old English templ, tempel, reinforced in Middle English by Old French temple, both from Latin templum 'open or consecrated space'temple
- tem • ple1
- 発音
- témpl
- レベル
- 大学入試程度
- templeの変化形
- temples (複数形)
2 ((The T-))(聖書時代のJerusalemの)エホバの神殿.
3 ((米))ユダヤ教の礼拝堂(synagogue).
4 (キリスト教の)礼拝堂, 教会堂(▼church, chapelが一般的);(フランスの)プロテスタントの教会堂;モルモン教の神殿.
5 神のいます所[物]:特にキリスト教徒の体〈《聖書》1コリント書6:19〉.
(1) ((T-))(中世の)神殿[聖堂]修道騎士団の殿堂:LondonとParisにあった.
(2) 法学院:LondonのInns of CourtのうちInner TempleとMiddle Templeのいずれか.
[ラテン語templum「聖所」←ギリシャ語témnein(切る)と同系で, 原義は「切り離された土地」]
(1) ((T-))(中世の)神殿[聖堂]修道騎士団の殿堂:LondonとParisにあった.
(2) 法学院:LondonのInns of CourtのうちInner TempleとMiddle Templeのいずれか.