The buildings are arranged one in front of the other in a carefully considered composition that sees the shortest buildings at the front and the tallest at the back.
The investiture of Carnegie Mellon University President Subra Suresh was a rite of passage — not only for the man, but also the institution reflecting the inaugural theme "Crossing Boundaries, Transforming Lives."
J.K. Rowling has slammed Rupert Murdoch after he said all Muslims must be held responsible for the Charlie Hebdo Officiel terror attacks: "I was born Christian. If that makes Rupert Murdoch my responsibility, I'll auto-excommunicate."
Yo-Yo Ma
entertained at the Supreme Court's annual spring musical concert
yesterday in an ornate conference room beneath portraits of Chief
Justices Warren Burger and William Rehnquist.
Yo-Yo Ma has played his 300-year-old cello for eight of the nine Supreme Court justices.
Bells and Whistles Descend Upon the Throne
Kohler's Numi toilet comes with a heated seat, music, a lid that automatically raises and lowers, a remote control and more, all for $6,400.

(born Nov. 11, 1050, Goslar?, Saxony — died Aug. 7, 1106, Liège, Lorraine) Duke of Bavaria (1055 – 61), German king (1054 – 1106), and emperor (1084 – 1105/6). He succeeded to the German throne at age six; his pious and unworldly mother was regent until 1062, and Henry gained control of the government upon reaching his majority in 1065. His reassertion of royal rights provoked rebellion in Saxony (1073 – 75). He engaged in a long struggle with Pope Gregory VII over the issues of obedience to papal commands and lay investiture (see Investiture Controversy). Gregory excommunicated him and absolved his subjects of their oaths of loyalty. Seeking absolution, Henry was forced to cross the Alps in winter and, according to tradition, stand barefoot in the snow three days before the castle at Canossa, where the pope was staying, before the latter would rescind his order. The German princes deserted Henry (1077) and elected Rudolf I as king. In 1080 Gregory excommunicated Henry again and recognized Rudolf. Henry responded by conquering Rome (1084) and installing the antipope Clement III. In his last years his sons Conrad and Henry led rebellions against his rule.
1 [U][C]((形式))授与(式), 任官(式).
2 [U]着せる[装わせる]こと;衣装.
3 [U]((古))投資, 出資.throne (thrōn)

- A chair occupied by an exalted personage, such as a sovereign or bishop, on state or ceremonial occasions, often situated on a dais and sometimes having a canopy and ornate decoration.
- A personage who occupies a throne.
- The power, dignity, or rank of such a personage; sovereignty.
- thrones Christianity. The third of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology.
To install in or occupy a throne.
[Middle English, alteration of trone, from Old French, from Latin thronus, from Greek thronos.]
bells and whistlespl.n.
Nonessential features or enhancements intended especially to add commercial appeal.
Line breaks: or¦nate
Pronunciation: /ɔːˈneɪt/
1 華美[絢爛(けんらん)豪華]な;どぎつく飾りたてた.
2 〈文体が〉極度に修辞的な.
1 華美[絢爛(けんらん)豪華]な;どぎつく飾りたてた.
2 〈文体が〉極度に修辞的な.
late Middle English: from Latin ornatus 'adorned', past participle of ornare.Definition of excommunicate
in English:
Pronunciation: /ˌɛkskəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt
Officially exclude (someone) from participation in thesacraments and services of the Christian Church:Martin Luther was excommunicated by the Pope
Pronunciation: /ˌɛkskəˈmjuːnɪkət
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Pronunciation: /ˌɛkskəˈmjuːnɪkət
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late Middle English: from ecclesiastical Latinexcommunicat- 'excluded from communication with the faithful', from the verb excommunicare, from ex- 'out' +Latin communis 'common to all', on the pattern of Latincommunicare (see communicate).