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Torah Scroll |
When do Jews finish reading the Torah? On the same day they start reading it again — the 22nd day of the month of Tishri, aka Simchat Torah, which falls out today (in countries outside Israel, Orthodox and Conservative Jews celebrate tomorrow). Every week during the year a different portion of the Torah is read aloud in synagogues, and on this day the very last section — the end of Deuteronomy — is read, followed by the beginning of Genesis. The mood of the day, though, is one of great levity rather than studiousness. The ceremonial renewal of the reading is accompanied by singing and dancing (which often spills over into the streets outside the synagogue); merriment reigns, and the Torah scrolls are paraded around in symbolic circles.
Campaign Spotlight |
'We're Not Perfect,' a Synagogue's Ads Proclaim |
By STUART ELLIOTT 18 minutes ago |
Beth Hillel Congregation of Wilmette, Ill., takes a modest approach in its campaign to solicit new members.
奧古斯丁理性的教育,培養了當時不少的名醫,如奧里巴西爾斯(Oribasius, 325-400),以解剖發現人體有「唾液腺」的存在,他著有七十冊的醫學百科「Synagogue Medicine」,其中有一冊專論「產婦學」。他曾任羅馬皇帝的御醫,後來前往土耳其行醫,因為經常指責當時流行用迷信的方法治病,他被稱為勇敢的醫生。菲立克斯(Cassius Felix)到迦太基行醫,迦太基是當時著名的奴隸交易場,他是個基督徒,照顧奴隸,他也著書論及用邏輯思考病理,以作為疾病治療的基礎,最特別的是他仔細地寫下自己在臨終前的身體狀況,他死於西元四四七年。
Synagogue (SIN-uh-gahg)
From a Greek root meaning "assembly." The most widely accepted term for a Jewish house of worship. The Jewish equivalent of a church, mosque or temple.
synagogue, -gog[syn・a・gogue, -gog]
- レベル:社会人必須
- 発音記号[sínəgɑ`g | -gɔ`g]
1 ユダヤ教の礼拝堂.
2 ((the 〜))ユダヤ教徒の集会[集団].