作者 : [美]柯馬丁
原作名: The Stele Inscriptions of Ch'in Shih-huang : Text and Ritual in Early Chinese Imperial Representation
譯者 : 劉倩譯 / 楊治宜 / 梅麗校
出版年: 2015-
Chinese Group Calls on Japan to Hand Over Tang-Era Stele
- Courtesy of Wang RenfuAn undated photograph of the Tang-era Honglujing Stele on the grounds of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.
- 檢視大圖Courtesy of Wang RenfuInscriptions on the Honglujing Stele.
你聽過這種功能嗎?(此即fonction phatique一例)
In linguistics, a phatic expression /ˈfætɨk/ is one whose only function is to perform a social task, as opposed to conveying information.[1]
The term was coined by anthropologist Bronisław Malinowski in the early 1900s from Greek phanein: to show oneself, appear.
The utterance of a phatic expression is a kind of speech act.In Roman Jakobson's work, 'Phatic' communication is that which concerns the channel of communication, for instance when one says "I can't hear you, you're breaking up" in the middle of a cell phone conversation. In the modern context, this usage appears in online communities and more specifically on micro-blogging.[2][3]
In speech communication the term means "small talk" (conversation for its own sake) and has also been called "grooming talking".[4]
SPORTS | Video FeatureGoing Uphill: The Luge Event at Sochi
Luge is often the fastest event in the Olympics - so fast that track designers for Sochi tried to slow it down.
Nestorian missionaries were firmly established in China during the early part of the Tang Dynasty (618–907); the Chinese source known as the Nestorian Stele describes a mission under a Persian proselyte named Alopen as introducing Nestorian Christianity to China in 635. In the 7th century, the Church had grown to have two Nestorian archbishops, and over 20 bishops east of the Iranian border of the Oxus River.[18]
Dewey has been in turmoil after slashing its partners' salaries - many of them that had previously been guaranteed - after weak financial performance last year. With eight more partners announcing their departures from Dewey on Tuesday, at least 66 of 300 partners have now left the firm since January. Having lost more than 20 percent of its partners, the firm has run into problems with its banks, according to three people with direct knowledge of the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly.
At issue are Dewey's loan agreements that require the firm to maintain a certain percentage of its partnership. It is unclear exactly what that percentage is for Dewey, but legal industry experts say that typically, a law firm's agreement with a bank requires it to maintain 75 to 85 percent of its partners. If it falls below that threshold, the firm is considered in default and the bank can demand repayment.
這件題為「圖騰柱」(Steles)的裝置作品出自東倫敦藝術家奇斯·威爾森(Keith Wilson)之手。雖然叫圖騰柱,這些巨型「蠟筆」的材料跟水上導航浮標的材料是一樣的,輕巧而耐久。
1. also ste·la (st
) pl. steles also ste·lae (-l
) An upright stone or slab with an inscribed or sculptured surface, used as a monument or as a commemorative tablet in the face of a building.
2. stele (st
l, st
) The central core of tissue in the stem or root of a vascular plant, consisting of the xylem and phloem together with supporting tissues.
[Greek st
, pillar; see stel- in Indo-European roots.]
lar (-l
r) adj.
- 発音記号[stíːli]
[名](複 -lai 〔-lai〕, -les 〔-li
1 (碑文・彫刻などを刻んだ)石柱, 石碑;墓石.
2 (石造建築物の)銘額. (またsté・la 〔stí
3 〔stíToday’s logo on Google was not meant to be tasteless I’m sure, but some people thought it was. It was actually a beautiful looking logo with a luger in place of the first logo. However, some people think Google’s logo was published too soon after the death of Olympian, Nodar Kumaritashvili, during his last practice luge run before the opening ceremonies in Vancouver.
The new logo is a snowboarder, and is much more appropriate for today.
luge (lūzh)
- A racing sled for one or two people that is ridden with the rider or riders lying supine.
- A competition in which these sleds race against a clock.
[French dialectal, from Medieval Latin sludia, perhaps of Celtic origin.]
luge luge v.luger lug'er n.
Line breaks: luge
Pronunciation: /luːʒ /
- 1.1 [mass noun] a sport in which competitors make a timed descent of a course riding luges: the finals of the women’s luge
More example sentences
- Perhaps the reason I prefer downhill skiing, luge, cross-country, speed skating, and other such sports in the Winter Olympics is that judging vagaries don't affect them.
- Hayden's interest in luge started when she saw the sport for the first time while watching the 1994 Olympics on television.
- Support for winter sports like the luge and bobsledding are being reduced because it is recognized Taiwan is unlikely to do well - since it has no snow slopes to speak of and training in the US or Europe is prohibitively expensive.