now, experiments to try to determine the biological basis of beauty
have been of the
please-look-at-these-photographs-and-answer-some-questions variety. Some
useful and not necessarily obvious results have emerged. But what makes
for a beautiful visage, and why, may have been discovered accidentally
on a Russian fur farm http://econ.st/1jiOdUd
The startling visage, called “Silence,” born as a cri de coeur against the censorship of the period after the Cultural Revolution in China, was shown briefly during an artistic spring in Beijing in 1979 and 1980, before being banished.
Adam Dean for The New York Times
A work called “Silence" was supposed to be a star
attraction, but the center did not submit it to the authorities for
review, believing it would be rejected.
Pronunciation: /kəˈnəʊpəs/
Latin, from Greek Kanōpus, the name of the pilot of the fleet of King Menelaus in the Trojan War
cri de cœur
Syllabification: (cri de cœur)
Pronunciation: /ˌkrē də ˈkər/
noun (plural cris de cœur /ˌkrē(z)/)
early 20th century: French, literally 'cry from the heart'visage
Syllabification: (vis·age)
Pronunciation: /ˈvizij/
[usually in singular] literaryOrigin:
Middle English: via Old French from Latin visus 'sight', from videre 'to see'variety
Syllabification: (va·ri·e·ty)
Pronunciation: /vəˈrīətē/
Translate variety | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish noun (plural varieties)
- 2 Biology a taxonomic category that ranks below subspecies (where present) or species, its members differing from others of the same subspecies or species in minor but permanent or heritable characteristics. Varieties are more often recognized in botany, in which they are designated in the style Apium graveolens variety dulce. Compare with form (sense 3 of the noun) and subspecies.