Talks between the White House and Senate Republicans have gone
nowhere this summer, increasing the likelihood of a government shutdown
this fall.
This was the burning questions on everyone's lips at a recent event at Foyles's flagship bookshop on Charing Cross Road in London, where some of Britain's leading literary agents, authors, marketing managers and booksellers gathered to discuss its fate ahead of the bookseller’s move from its current rambling premises to the former home of Central Saint Martin’s art school just up the road.
PC Makers Scramble as Demand Shrivels
Computer makers and retailers are cutting prices as they scramble to adjust to deteriorating demand for PCs.
Senate Confirms Over Two Dozen Obama Nominees
Before leaving for a President's Day break, the Senate unanimously confirmed 27 nominees following a threat by Obama that he would make recess appointments without Senate approval.
- 音節
- ap • point
- 発音
- əpɔ'int
- レベル
- 大学入試程度
- appointの変化形
- appoints (複数形) • appointed (過去形) • appointed (過去分詞) • appointing (現在分詞) • appoints (三人称単数現在)
- appointの慣用句
- appointer, (全1件)
1 [III[名]([副])]…を任命する, 指名する;〈人を〉(職に)任じる((to ...));[V[名](to be)[名]/V[名]as[名]]〈人を〉(官職に)任じる, 雇う(hire);[V[名]to do]〈人に〉(…するよう)任命する
They appointed him (to be) headmaster. [=They appointed him to a headmastership. ]
He was appointed postmaster.
2 〈時間・場所などを〉指定する, 決める. ▼fixよりも形式ばった言い方
3 [III that (should)節]((文))〈…と〉命ずる.
[中フランス語apointer(a-へ+pointer指す). △DISAPPOINT]
[名]任命者. recess
- A temporary cessation of the customary activities of an engagement, occupation, or pursuit.
- The period of such cessation. See synonyms at pause.
- A remote, secret, or secluded place. Often used in the plural.
- An indentation or small hollow.
- An alcove.
v., -cessed, -cess·ing, -cess·es.
- To place in a recess.
- To create or fashion a recess in: recessed a portion of the wall.
- To suspend for a recess: The committee chair recessed the hearings.
To take a recess: The investigators recessed for lunch.
[Latin recessus, retreat, from past participle of recēdere, to recede. See recede1.]
━━ n. 休憩(時間); 〔米〕 (大学などの)休暇; (議会の)休会; (地形の)くぼみ; (pl.) 奥まった所, 奥; 壁のくぼみ棚, 床(とこ)の間, (部屋の)凹所.━━ v. (壁に)くぼみ棚を作る, 奥に置く, 隠す; 引っ込める; 〔米〕 休憩[休会,休校]にする, 中断する; 〔米〕 休む.
shrivel Show phonetics
verb -ll- or US USUALLY -l-
1 [I or T] to become dry, smaller and covered with lines as if by crushing or folding, or to make something do this:
The lack of rain has shrivelled the crops.
You ought to pick those lettuces before they shrivel (up) and die.
2 [I] to become much smaller than is desired:
Profits are shrivelling as the recession gets worse.
shrivelled Show phonetics
Those oranges were looking a bit old and shrivelled, so I threw them out.
- ram • bling
- 発音
- rǽmbliŋ
- レベル
- 社会人必須
1 漫歩する, ぶらぶら歩く;放浪性の.
2 〈話・思考などが〉散漫な, まとまりのない.
3 〈川・道などが〉うねりくねった.
4 〈建物などが〉四方八方に不規則に広がっている;〈植物が〉はびこる.