介紹我所知道的僑生作家楊子。臨睡前才想起,應該記大作家董橋先生,所以拿出前年買的《橄欖香》重讀 ---這是董氏人物小說化《嘗試集》,當然有許多自傳成份。我碰到一辭,查了一下,不太確定,而夜已深,就email
蘇兄,請教「讀到董橋的前輩寄一張麵包奶油明信片給他。 這是什玩藝? 你知道嗎? 」。
Dear HC,
英文有一句 His bread is with butter on both sides.His bread is buttered on both sides.
明信片裡,有一個類別叫 Bread and butter postcard,
原先只是「助你好運的暱稱」,後來就真的畫上 bread and butter.
Ken Su
其實,我的網頁上已有答案 : bread and butter 當形容詞的一義為:
expressing thanks for hospitality: a bread-and-butter letter.
……飛回香港一個半星期,介堂先生心臟病發,猝然辭世。胡霞電話報喪三、四天後,我收到老先生發病前一天寄來的麵包牛油明信片,謝謝我請他吃飯陪他逛倫敦帶他 看《櫻桃園》:「此生八字星座皆佳,心園有櫻桃,舉目見霞光,啤酒杯杯都冰冷,只待隨時無疾而終矣!」他那手蠅頭鋼筆字秀逸極了。
文:董橋 董橋:小說人生:櫻桃園- 20100620 - 蘋果日報
India's Circus Is One to Skip
In ancient Rome, politicians used "bread and circuses" to win votes. For India, in a big state-election year, the government will likely turn to food and welfare programs, letting short-term politics cloud economic progress.
Word of the Day:
bread and circuses (bred and SUR-kuh-sez)
noun: Things intended to keep people happy and to divert their attention from the problems.
Translation of Latin term panis et circenses, from panis (bread) + et (and), circenses (circuses). The term originated in the satires of Roman poet Juvenal (c. 60-140). Circus refers to the circus games, such as chariot races, held in the Roman times. The term has been loan translated into many other languages. In Spanish, for example, it is pan y toros (bread and bullfights).
"Madrid has set up a series of summits that look a lot like bread and circuses for a domestic audience at time of economic misery." — John Vinocur; Still Waiting for a Brave New Europe; The New York Times; Jan 4, 2010.
bread and butter
croissant 法國牛角麵包可頌讀音
[名] クロワッサン:三日月形パン.
A croissant (
i/krəˈsɑːnt/ or /ˈkwʌsɒŋ/; French pronunciation: [kʁwa.sɑ̃] (
listen)) is a buttery flaky viennoiserie bread roll named for its well knowncrescent shape. Croissants and other viennoiserie are made of a layered yeast-leavened dough. The dough is layered with butter, rolled and folded several times in succession, then rolled into a sheet, in a technique called laminating. The process results in a layered, flaky texture, similar to apuff pastry.
- 音節
- crois • sant
- 発音
- krəsɑ'ːnt
- croissantの変化形
- croissants (複数形)
[フランス語. CRESCENT(三日月)の意]

Definition of buttery
adjective- buttery
- [形]1 ((通例限定))バターのような[のはいった, を塗った];脂肪に富む, 脂の乗った.2 ((略式))おせじたらたらの(flattering).
(adjective) Unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech. Synonyms: fulsome, oleaginous, smarmy, unctuous, soapy, oily Usage: John's buttery praise was getting him nowhere with our new boss, who was clearly astute enough to discern an attempt to curry favor. - but・ter・i・ness[名]
- buttery
- [名]1 食料室, 食料[飲料]貯蔵室.2 (特にOxford, Cambridge, Durham大学で)ビール・パンなどの売店.[中フランス語←後ラテン語botāria(BUTT4たる+-E...
Pronunciation: /ˈbʌt(ə)ri/
Definition of buttery
noun (plural butteries)