Fair Game
Shareholders? Fuhgeddaboudit!By GRETCHEN MORGENSON
It's that time of year when shareholders speak their minds at annual
meetings. But that doesn't mean the companies' boards are always
拉尼爾的觀點和寫作風格清晰敏銳、容易理解,因此《誰擁有未來?》非常引人入勝。他呼籲的是什麼呢?只不過是「大眾尊嚴的特設構建」(The Ad Hoc Construction of Mass Dignity)。他傾向於大致勾勒出理念,遠甚於具體描述它們,但是正如他指出的,「如果你要當一個絕對論者,你就肯定當不好技術專家。」書中可能沒有 提供多少答案( 「讓我解決我在這裡推崇的做法所引起的所有問題,現在還為時太早」),但它闡明了我們十分迫切地需要答案。
Finally, standing out as a peak in Canetti's writings, are his memoirs, so far in two large volumes. In these recollections of his childhood and youth he reveals his forceful epic power of description to its full extent. A great deal of the political and cultural life in central Europe in the early 1900's - especially the form it took in Vienna - is reflected in the memoirs. The peculiar environments, the many remarkable human destinies with which Canetti has been confronted and his unique educational path - always aiming at universal knowledge - are seen here in a style and with a lucidity that have very few qualitative equivalents in the memoirs written in the German language during this century.
Do you agree with Proust that "each of us finds lucidity only in those ideas which are in the same state of confusion as his own"?
Ilinx is a kind of play, described by sociologist Roger Caillois, a major figure in ludology or the study of play. Ilinx creates a temporary disruption of perception, as with vertigo, dizziness, or disorienting changes in direction of movement. Caillois identified several categories of play in Les Jeux et Les Hommes (ISBN 978-2070326723; 1958, in English as Man, Play and Games ISBN 978-0252070334; 2001.) In the book, Caillois described the category of ilinx as games that:
- "...are based on the pursuit of vertigo and which consist of an attempt to momentarily destroy the stability of perception and inflict a kind of voluptuous panic upon an otherwise lucid mind. In all cases, it is a question of surrendering to a kind of spasm, seizure, or shock which destroys reality with sovereign brusqueness."
Exercise to Protect Aging Bodies — and Brains
By Alice Park
A series of studies published on Monday in the 'Archives of Internal Medicine' add to the evidence that exercise can protect older adults from disease and foster lucid minds
ad hoc
Pronunciation: /ad ˈhɒk/
Definition of ad hoc
adjective & adverb
Latin, literally 'to this'adjective
clearly expressed and easy to understand or (of a person) thinking or speaking clearly:
She gave a clear and lucid account of her plans for the company's future.
The drugs she's taking make her drowsy and confused, but there are times when she's quite lucid.
noun [U] (ALSO lucidness)