Jordan Belfort on prostitutes, quaaludes and the story behind the controversial cerebral palsy scene in The Wolf of Wall Street - viaGuardian culture
In the 16th century, the French landowner Michel de Montaigne retired to his chateau to write down and publish his thoughts and inadvertently invented the essay.
British-based pawnbroker,, recently lent $120,000 in exchange for 128 bottles of Chateau d’Yquem, which had an estimated worth of $250,000.
英國當鋪 最近就用估計價值約為25萬美元的128瓶伊肯堡名酒當抵押,借出了12萬美元。
A pill/capsule that is a CNS Depressant (Central Nervous System) with similar properities to barbiturates, and similar addictive and withdrawal properities. It was quickly pulled from the markets in the USA as a result of wide-spread abuse, although it did enjoy a number of years as a near top-selling sedative/hypnotic before being made Schedule I and thus banned in the USA. Worldwide it is a Schedule II controlled substance under international law and thus available by prescription in most nations...
Quaalude is a brand-name for methaqualone (C16 H14 N2 O)... In other words, Methaqualone is a downer, a depressant, similar to barbiturates in most every way, although probably more addictive.
Quaalude is a brand-name for methaqualone (C16 H14 N2 O)... In other words, Methaqualone is a downer, a depressant, similar to barbiturates in most every way, although probably more addictive.
Quaalude, "Lude," Methaqualone.
Line breaks: down¦er
Pronunciation: /ˈdaʊnə
- 発音記号[ʃætóu |
[名](複〜s, 〜x 〔-z〕)
1 (フランスの)城;(フランスの貴族の)大邸宅, 館.
2 ((しばしばC-))(フランスのBordeaux地方の)ぶどう園.
[フランス語. △CASTLE]- chateau wine
- [U]シャトーワイン:フランスBordeaux地方の特定のぶどう園で製造される.
- 美銷歐葡萄酒掛名「酒莊」?法酒商反彈
須來自單一莊園 才能掛名
美要求解禁 尚未議決
勒 佛爾坦承︰「法國特別堅守『酒莊』的名號,因為這對我們有特殊意義,但其他國家感受沒那麼深。我們的談判很艱困。」該議題在法國波爾多地區格外敏感,波爾 多葡萄酒協會(CIVB)主席豪薩特說︰「酒莊對我們來說,意味在單一莊園生產的酒,而美國的定義極寬鬆,若因貿易談判放棄此個原則,將令人遺憾。」
法 國波爾多酒莊聯盟(FGVB)主席加彭表示︰「美國人可能取自各地來的葡萄製造『酒莊』酒,價格當然便宜很多,而消費者可能抱持我方定義所代表的品質,購 買『酒莊』酒,結果買到的並非如此。」他強調,「酒莊」代表著對數百年傳統及品質的尊重,美方的要求「將完全敗壞、掏空相關意義」。