The Stylish Side of China
Publishers of fashion magazines willing to contend with censorship and various other hurdles in China are being rewarded with heavy advertising demand.
Look chic and stylish at all times on the road
As a host on the Travel Channel, Samantha Brown is on the road about 230 days a year. She offers tips on looking stylish while on the go.
As for The Economist’s hip factor, Mr. Micklethwait said it had nothing to do with how the magazine was edited. “Once you start trying to segment and work out what people might want to see, I think that would be a journey to some type of psychological hell.”
Alimentation is provided directly in the cottage - stylish restaurant Koliba, beerhouse, summer garden. Accommodation is suitable for company meetings, social gatherings, weddings, presentation meetings, official journeys
hip2 (hĭp)
also hep (hĕp)
adj. Slang, hip·per, also hep·per, hip·pest, hep·pest.
As for The Economist’s hip factor, Mr. Micklethwait said it had nothing to do with how the magazine was edited. “Once you start trying to segment and work out what people might want to see, I think that would be a journey to some type of psychological hell.”
Alimentation is provided directly in the cottage - stylish restaurant Koliba, beerhouse, summer garden. Accommodation is suitable for company meetings, social gatherings, weddings, presentation meetings, official journeys
Penny-pinching steps for small change
Diner Michelle Madrid, 26, said it’s now hip to be a penny-pincher
"It used to be cool to have a credit card and be all high-flying. Now cash is king," said Kam Miceli, who helped start "Green Truck," which serves high-end organic fare.
high-flying:形容詞,很成功的、很有抱負、野心的,或很揮霍、奢華的。例句:I rather be a penny-pincher than be high-flying in everything.(我寧可當守財奴,也不要什麼都很奢華。)
Obama has proposed making America's coins of cheaper stuff. But he's
likely to face stiff opposition from coin-using interest groups as well
as ordinary citizens.
Diner Michelle Madrid, 26, said it’s now hip to be a penny-pincher
"It used to be cool to have a credit card and be all high-flying. Now cash is king," said Kam Miceli, who helped start "Green Truck," which serves high-end organic fare.
IN BRIEF: v. - Spend money frugally.high-flying:形容詞,很成功的、很有抱負、野心的,或很揮霍、奢華的。例句:I rather be a penny-pincher than be high-flying in everything.(我寧可當守財奴,也不要什麼都很奢華。)
WordNet:alimentation |
hip2 (hĭp)
adj. Slang, hip·per, also hep·per, hip·pest, hep·pest.
- Keenly aware of or knowledgeable about the latest trends or developments.
- Very fashionable or stylish.
[Origin unknown.]
on the go
In constant activity, very busy, as in I'm exhausted--I've been on the go since eight this morning. [Mid-1800s]
- レベル:大学入試程度
- 発音記号[stáiliʃ]
[形]流行の, 流行に合った, 当世ふうの;いきな, スマートな.