The hourlong hearing, punctuated by an angry outburst by Mr. Giuliani, was the most contentious yet in the winding search for his personal assets, which he was ordered to hand over to the two women more than a month ago.
Leveson Inquiry: Cameron 'sent commiserations to Rebekah Brooks'
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Rebekah Brooks: "I received some indirect commiserations from politicans"
Prime Minister David Cameron sent Rebekah Brooks a "keep your head up" message when she quit News International, she has said.
Black Friday Shopper Injures 20 With Pepper Spray
Woman in Los Angeles Wal-Mart tried to gain upper hand on fellow consumers by attacking them.
Jobs Fans Mourn World-Wide
As news spread of the death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, Apple fans began gathering at the company's headquarters in California and chain of stores world-wide to express their condolences.
- [kəndóuləns]
[名][U]悔み, 弔慰, 哀悼;((しばしば〜s))お悔やみ, 哀悼の言葉, 弔辞
a letter of condolence
express [offer] one's condolences to ...
condolence | (noun) An expression of sympathy with another's grief. |
Synonyms: | commiseration |
Usage: | I hoped that my words of condolence would offer the grieving family some comfort. |
The feeling or expression of pity or sorrow. See synonyms at pity.
((略式))[名][U]活気, 元気, 活力.
━━[動](〜ped, 〜・ping)(他)(自)(…を)元気[活気]づける[づく]((up)).
[PEPPERの短縮形]Alex Hatem
College Flash Mobs Become Pep Rallies By TAMAR LEWIN Colleges across the country are welcoming students with spontaneous outbursts of dancing, like this group of Wellesley students dancing to Katy Perry’s “Firework.” Alex Hatem College Flash Mobs Become Pep Rallies