The campaign removed an allegation that more than 600,000 votes should be invalidated, capitulating on one of its most aggressive legal claims.
Trump campaign jettisons major parts of its legal challenge against Pennsylvania’s election results
The campaign removed an allegation that more th
TRUMP 總統的投訴運動取消了一項指控,即超過60萬張選票應作廢,這是放棄其最激進的法律主張之一。
A majority of people around the world believe capitalism in its current form is doing more harm than good, a survey found ahead of this week's Davos meeting of business and political leaders.
Brexit Cost Rises as Britain Retreats on Divorce Demands
Britain has capitulated to the E.U., doubling its cash offer as part of exit talks. It was not the first time, analysts say, and won't be the last.
In normal circumstances, we would not advocate Congress interfering in the conduct of foreign affairs, the responsibility of the executive branch. However, since 1979 China has brought increasing pressure to bear on U.S. Presidents, so that they have tended to put off arms sales to Taiwan for their successor to handle. As Taiwan's defense becomes more and more precarious, a future U.S. President may have to put Americans in harm's way to defend the island or see a democracy capitulate to an aggressor.
When Microsoft reports its third-quarter earnings Thursday, investors will be watching closely for insights about Windows 8, a coming product vital to ensuring the software giant's relevance in computing.

漫畫來源: Ted Goff
out of harm's way
- 発音記号[réləvəns, -vənsi] [名][U]
1 (当面する問題との)関連性;適切さ, 妥当性((to ...))
have relevance to ...
2 今日の重大な社会問題との関連.
3 《コンピュータ》(情報検索システムの)検索能力.truly(trū'lē)

- Sincerely; genuinely: We are truly sorry for the inconvenience.
- Truthfully; accurately: reported the matter truly.
- Indeed: truly ugly.
- Properly: not truly civilized.
"Tennis has to become everything to you if you're going to make it to the top. You have to live it." — Monica Seles
v., lived, liv·ing, lives.v.intr.
- To be alive; exist.
- To continue to be alive: lived through a bad accident.
- To support oneself; subsist: living on rice and fish; lives on a small inheritance.
- To reside; dwell: lives on a farm.
- To conduct one's life in a particular manner: lived frugally.
- To pursue a positive, satisfying existence; enjoy life: those who truly live.
- To remain in human memory: an event that lives on in our minds.
- To spend or pass (one's life).
- To go through; experience: lived a nightmare.
- To practice in one's life: live one's beliefs.
- To overcome or reduce the shame of (a misdeed, for example) over a period of time.
- To reside in the place where one is employed: household servants who live in.
- To live outside one's place of domestic employment: household servants who live out.
- To put up with; resign oneself to: disliked the situation but had to live with it.
- To engage in festive pleasures or extravagances.
- To live or act in accordance with: lived up to their parents' ideals.
- To prove equal to: a new technology that did not live up to our expectations.
- To carry out; fulfill: lived up to her end of the bargain.
[Middle English liven, from Old English libban, lifian.]
live2 (līv)

- Having life; alive: live animals. See synonyms at living.
- Of, related to, or occurring during the life of one that is living: a live birth; the live weight of an animal before being slaughtered.
- Of current interest or relevance: a live topic; still a live option.
- Informal. Full of life, excitement, or activity; lively: a live crowd at the parade; a live party.
- Glowing; burning: live coals.
- Not yet exploded but capable of being fired: live ammunition.
- Electricity. Carrying an electric current or energized with electricity: live cables lying dangerously on the ground.
- Not mined or quarried; in the natural state: live ore.
- Broadcast while actually being performed; not taped, filmed, or recorded: a live television program.
- Involving performers or spectators who are physically present: live entertainment; a live audience.
- Of, relating to, or containing living, often modified microorganisms: a live vaccine; live yogurt cultures.
- Printing. Not yet set into type: live copy.
- Sports. In play: a live ball.
At, during, or from the time of actual occurrence or performance: The landing on the moon was telecast live.
[Short for ALIVE.]
liveness live'ness n.capitulate

intr.v., -lat·ed, -lat·ing, -lates.
- To surrender under specified conditions; come to terms.
- To give up all resistance; acquiesce. See synonyms at yield.
[Medieval Latin capitulāre, capitulāt-, to draw up in chapters, from capitulum, chapter. See chapter.]
- [kəpítʃulèit]
1 ((形式))(敵に)降伏する;(要求に)屈する((to ...)).
2 抵抗を止める;黙従する.
- To hold up; support.
- To carry from one place to another; transport.
- To carry in the mind; harbor: bear a grudge.
- To transmit at large; relate: bearing glad tidings.
- To have as a visible characteristic: bore a scar on the left arm.
- To have as a quality; exhibit: "A thousand different shapes it bears" (Abraham Cowley).
- To carry (oneself) in a specified way; conduct: She bore herself with dignity.
- To be accountable for; assume: bearing heavy responsibilities.
- To have a tolerance for; endure: couldn't bear his lying.
- To call for; warrant: This case bears investigation.
- To give birth to: bore six children in five years.
- To produce; yield: plants bearing flowers.
- To offer; render: I will bear witness to the deed.
- To move by or as if by steady pressure; push: "boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past" (F. Scott Fitzgerald).
- To yield fruit; produce: peach trees that bear every summer.
- To have relevance; apply: They studied the ways in which the relativity theory bears on the history of science.
- To exert pressure, force, or influence.
- To force oneself along; forge.
- To endure something with tolerance and patience: Bear with me while I explain matters.
- To extend or proceed in a specified direction: The road bears to the right at the bottom of the hill.
2 [C]鋼鉄製品;(石に穴をあける)鋼鉄の棒;火うち金;(包丁などを研ぐ)やすり[とぎ]棒.
3 ((〜s))鋼鉄株[相場].
4 ((単数形))((文))剣, 刀(sword).
7 固い響き.
━━[形](色・堅さ・強さなどが)鋼のような, 何にも動じない.
2 …を(色・堅さなどで)鋼に似せる.
3 〈人の〉心を(…に対して)堅固[不屈, 無情, 頑固]にする((for, against ...));((〜 -self))(…)しようと決心する((to do))