Data-analytics consulting company Mu Sigma said it has raised $108 million from venture capitalists, marking one of the largest investments in the fast growing analytics business.
NEWMAN, AUSTRALIA -- Here in this land of searing heat, scrub and eucalyptus, a land so vast that road signs warn the next gas station is 600 miles away, Mount Whaleback was once 1,500 feet high. Today it's a hole, the biggest open-pit iron ore mine in the world -- an entire mountain crushed, sold...
(By John Pomfret, The Washington Post)
R. Arnheim 1972 年9月9日(p.164)的雜誌寫:
The lion cage smell
Of Eucalyptus trees
Eucalyptus這字似乎看不太懂,不過許多人一聽說它就是「尤加利」,就知道了( 學名為Eucalyptus globulus,萃取部位是葉子及細枝。尤加利味道清澄但略衝鼻。)馬上就會頓悟作者的那種感受。
(Click to enlarge) |
eucalyptus |
blue gum eucalyptus (Wendy Smith) |
n., pl., -tus·es, or -ti (-tī').
Any of numerous tall trees of the genus Eucalyptus, native to Australia and having aromatic leaves that yield an oil used medicinally and wood valued as timber.
[New Latin Eucalyptus, genus name : Greek eu-, eu- + Greek kaluptos, covered (from kaluptein, to cover).]
━━ n., a. やぶ, かん木, 低木(林); 成長の止まった; つまらぬ(もの・人); ちび; 〔米〕 二軍[補欠]の(選手) (scrub team).
- 発音記号[æ`nəlítiks]
Analytics is the application of computer technology, operational research, and statistics to solve problems in business and industry. Analytics is carried out within an information system: while, in the past, statistics and mathematics could be studied without computers and software, analytics has evolved from the application of computers to the analysis of data and this takes place within an information system or software environment. Mathematics underpins the algorithms used in analytics - the science of analytics is concerned with extracting useful properties of data using computable functions (see Church-Turing thesis), and typically will involve extracting properties from large data bases (see data mining). Analytics therefore bridges the disciplines of computer science, statistics, and mathematics.[1]
E. Fromm 認為:Jonah 情結源自缺乏愛的主動關懷(《愛的藝術》,頁38)。這確實是另一個重要的詮釋角度。頁35 轉心理。 [121]為了消除潛意.
(born March 23, 1900, Frankfurt am Main, Ger. — died March 18, 1980, Muralto, Switz.) German-born U.S. psychoanalyst and social philosopher. A disciple of Sigmund Freud, Fromm joined the Frankfurt school in the 1920s and left Nazi Germany for the U.S in 1933. Taking issue with Freud, he came to believe in the interaction of psychology and society and argued that psychoanalytic principles could be applied to cure cultural ills. He taught at various institutions, including the National University of Mexico (1951 – 67) and New York University (from 1962). His many books, which had popular as well as academic success, included Escape from Freedom (1941), The Sane Society (1955), and The Crisis of Psychoanalysis (1970); The Art of Loving (1956) became a durable best-seller.
Jonah (JOH-nuh)
noun One believed to bring bad luck.
After Jonah, a prophet in the Old Testament, whose presence on a ship was believed to bring a storm. He was thrown overboard and swallowed by a fish or a whale and returned three days later. From Latin Jonas, Greek Ionas, from Hebrew yonah (dove). Earliest documented use: 1612.
"Chairman Ned Sullivan is a Jonah of the corporate world. Ned is a chairman of the currently disastrous McInerney Properties. McInerney shares have collapsed from euro 2.50 twelve months ago to today's price of 57 cents. Shane Ross; Ghosts Haunt Greencore; The Sunday Independent (Dublin, Ireland); Jun 29, 2008.
[副] 分析を用いて,分析的に.
noun One believed to bring bad luck.
After Jonah, a prophet in the Old Testament, whose presence on a ship was believed to bring a storm. He was thrown overboard and swallowed by a fish or a whale and returned three days later. From Latin Jonas, Greek Ionas, from Hebrew yonah (dove). Earliest documented use: 1612.
"Chairman Ned Sullivan is a Jonah of the corporate world. Ned is a chairman of the currently disastrous McInerney Properties. McInerney shares have collapsed from euro 2.50 twelve months ago to today's price of 57 cents. Shane Ross; Ghosts Haunt Greencore; The Sunday Independent (Dublin, Ireland); Jun 29, 2008.
(譯按:戴明博士的「分析型研究」的意義,王雲五先生說得很明白:「『分析』可能有四個意義,除上述由整而分析的第一義,也可稱為化學的分析之外,….所謂數學的分析,即分析的第二義,係指從已知推及未知而言;所謂論理的分析,即分析的第三義,係指從結果追溯原因而言;所謂文學的分析,即分析的第四義,係指以部分代全部而言。」(王雲五「科學管理與科學方法」,收入《岫盧論管理》,頁21) ))
任何系列實驗,只有在使吾人能對該實驗所屬母體的統計常識能做出判斷時,才有用處。在很多時候,問題成為平均值,是直接平均值或兩數量差異平均。」(Student, 1908)
「綜而言之,實驗必須如此進行,即其結果必須能成為要做結論之母體的隨機抽樣。」(Student, 1926)
在完全計數或抽樣的設計及分析上,區別計數性(enumerative)及分析性(analytic)研究是極為重要的。此兩類研究的最後目的都是要提供處理/ 行動之理性基礎。問題存在那兒,有時有待解決。在計數性問題上,要對碗之某部份內容做些事,不管該部份是大或小。而在分析性問題上,是要做某事以管制及預測原因系統之結果,而該原因系統是過去造成”母體” (
the universe 城市、市場、工業產品批、麥穀)者,而未來也會繼續影響之。
Line breaks: ana|lyt¦ic
Pronunciation: /anəˈlɪtɪk /
1.1Logic True by virtue of the meaning of the words or concepts used to express it, so that its denial would be a self-contradiction. Compare with synthetic.
1.2Linguistics (Of a language, e.g. Chinese and English) tending not to alter the form of its words but to use word order to express grammatical structure. Contrasted with synthetic and agglutinative.
early 17th century: via Latin from Greek analutikos, fromanaluein 'unloose'.
1 分析の,分析に基づく[を用いた];〈命題・言語が〉分析的な(⇔synthetic)
3 数学解析の
1 分析の,分析に基づく[を用いた];〈命題・言語が〉分析的な(⇔synthetic)
analytic philosophy
2 分析癖のある.分析哲学.
3 数学解析の
analytic geometry
4 精神分析の.解析幾何学.