The Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether all 50 states must provide equal marriage rights to gay and lesbian couples. I’m fairly certain the Court will decide in favor of same-sex marriage. That’s the direction the country is moving in, and the Court can get ahead of the momentum and be on the side of civil rights. This would blunt criticism of its Republican majority as being overtly partisan in their interpretation of the Constitution, thereby giving them leeway to kill off the Affordable Care Act later this year or next.
Am I being too cynical?
Barack Obama's proposal on June 2nd to cut CO2 emissions from power plants is welcome. Power stations are the single biggest source of greenhouse-gas emissions in America. But the plan has been greeted with wild partisanship
Phone-hacking report 'partisan'News Corporation criticises a key conclusion of a parliamentary report - that Rupert Murdoch is not "fit" to run the business - as "unjustified".

(adjective) Lacking foresight or scope.
unforesightful, myopic, short
The shortsighted board members derided the plan, which would cost the company money at the outset but could set it on track to earn billions in future years.
発音記号[pɑ'ːrtizən | pɑ`ːtizǽn]
1 味方, 同志, 支持者(⇔opponent). ⇒FOLLOWER 2
2 遊撃兵, 別動[ゲリラ]隊員, パルチザン.
1 〈政策・議論・立場などが〉党派心の強い, 党派にかたよった.
2 〈攻撃などが〉遊撃[ゲリラ]兵による.
par・ti・san・shìp [名][U]党派心;加担.
Pronunciation: /ˈpɑːtɪz(ə)nʃɪp /
n a week when the private mood in Washington was grave, the public action was partisan and shortsighted.
Obama Plans Bipartisan Summit on Health Care
The meeting would mark the first time in the long health care debate that leaders from both sides would be allowed to air their ideas publicly.