As unified Germany marks its 30th birthday, what has changed for the country, and where could it go next?
To slow the spread of covid-19 new dorms promise each person much more space

Singapore promises roomier digs for migrant workers
Nearly all 41,000 covid-19 cases have been among migrant workers
Facebook Inc. has leased a nine-building Silicon Valley office campus to serve as its new headquarters, the latest indication of the social network's phenomenal growth.
Facebook said it will start moving into its new Menlo Park, Calif., digs, the former headquarters of Sun Microsystems, starting in June or July, roughly two years after moving to its current location in neighboring Palo Alto, Calif.
"The president kind of keeps to himself," Kimmel said. "Somebody throws him a basketball, he makes a shot. He ruins everything."
Most of those on the receiving end of jokes take it in stride.
take the rap
If you take the rap, you are blamed or punished for something, especially something that is not your fault or for which other people are equally guilty.
[informal]When the money went missing, she took the rap, but did she really do it?
Synonyms: take the blame, be blamed, be punished, suffer the consequences More Synonyms of take the rap
US /strɑɪd/past tense and past participle strode US/stroʊd/ | past participle stridden US/strɪd·ən/stride
US /strɑɪd/
take ... in (one's) stride
…を楽々と[冷静に]処理する[やり遂げる, 切り抜ける].
Speaking of women, first ladies have been known to get in their own digs.
In 2005, Laura Bush said
friends went out one night to see male strippers after Bush, "Mr.
Excitement," was typically fast asleep at 9 p.m.
First lady Hillary
Clinton was featured in a video clip shown at the 2000 dinner. Seated in
a limousine, she told the camera, "I wish I could be here more, but I
really think Bill has everything under control."
- To understand fully: Do you dig what I mean?
- To like, enjoy, or appreciate: "They really dig our music and, daddy, I dig swinging for them" (Louis Armstrong).
- To take notice of: Dig that wild outfit.
digs Lodgings.