Duberstein, Reagan's chief of staff, believes that Obama and Reagan share some traits: both loners more than backslappers, both heavily reliant on their spouses, both more trusting of their instincts than their advisers.
But the 44th President has some ways to go before matching the 40th in the communications department. "Obama for the first two years has tried to forge a consensus in Washington," Duberstein says. "He needs to take a page from Reagan and forge a consensus in America. Let his aides worry about the back and forth in D.C. He needs to be communicating with the American people."
back and forth
adv.- Backward and forward; to and fro.
- From side to side.
back-and-forth back'-and-forth' (
băk'ăn-fôrth', -fōrth')
n. & adj.
v.intr.To demonstrate effusive goodwill.
v.tr.To demonstrate effusive goodwill toward (another or others).
backslapper back'slap'per n.