The first organisms to “breathe” oxygen—or at least use it—appeared 3.1 billion years ago, according to a new genetic analysis.
The surprise? That's 500 million years before the Great Oxidation Event, when the gas filled the atmosphere.
"Oxygen 氧氣 therapy is a major treatment intervention for patients with severe COVID-19," says World Health Organization (WHO).
late 18th century: from French ( principe) oxygène ‘acidifying constituent’ (because at first it was held to be the essential component in the formation of acids).
In 1786, the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier coined a term for the element oxygen (oxygène in French). He used Greek words for the coinage: oxy- means “sharp,” and -gen means “producing.” Oxygen was called ...
CareFusion Ventilator Recall Given Class 1 Designation
Wall Street Journal
(CFN) said Wednesday the US Food and Drug Administration has classified its recent voluntary recall of 128 ventilators as Class 1, giving it the agency's gravest designation. Class I recalls involve situations where there is a reasonable probability ...
Gillyweed, which is eaten by Harry Potter when he is attempting to swim to the bottom of a lake in the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was investigated by natural science students Rowan Reynolds and Chris Ringrose. Looking at the size of Harry’s gills in the film adaptation of Rowling’s novel, they estimated them to be 60cm2 in surface area. They then estimated the oxygen content of the Black Lake, and the maximum oxygen use of swimming, and found that the average 14-year-old boy “would need to process 443 litres of water at 100% efficiency per minute for every minute he was underwater”, meaning that water would need to flow at 2.46 metres per second.
ventilator とは【意味】通風装置,通風機... 、換気扇 人工呼吸器、酸素吸入器
A small, durable, general-purpose motor vehicle with four-wheel drive and a quarter-ton capacity, used by the U.S. Army during and after World War II.
[Probably pronunciation of the letters GP, designation for this vehicle in the manufacturer's parts numbering system : G(overnment) + P, designator for 80-inch wheelbase reconnaissance car.]
- The act or process of clearing.
- A space cleared; a clearing.
- The amount of space or distance by which a moving object clears something.
- The height or width of a passage: an underpass with a 13-foot clearance.
- An intervening space or distance allowing free play, as between machine parts.
- Permission for an aircraft, ship, or other vehicle to proceed, as after an inspection of equipment or cargo or during certain traffic conditions.
- Official certification of blamelessness, trustworthiness, or suitability.
- A sale, generally at reduced prices, to dispose of old merchandise.
- The passage of checks and other bills of exchange through a clearing-house.
- Physiology.
- The removal by the kidneys of a substance from blood plasma.
- Renal clearance.
(1)[U] [C] 取りかたづけ, 除去, 撤去, 排除
slum clearance
(2) 棚ざらえ, 蔵払い, 見切り売り, 在庫一掃セール(clearance sale)スラム街の一掃.
hold a clearance of stored goods
(1)[U] [C] (2物間の)間隔, ゆとり, すきま;(車両と橋などの間の)頭高

(2) 空地;開拓地;開墾.
(3) 《機械》すきま;逃げ角.
The truck has an overhead clearance of one meter.
right side clearance of two meters
overhead clearance

(2) 空地;開拓地;開墾.
(3) 《機械》すきま;逃げ角.
3 [C] [U] 清算, 決済;手形交換(高)
clearance of checks
4 [U] (船の)通関手続き;(航空機の)離陸[着陸]許可;[C] 出[入]港許可証(clearance papers)
Our plane was given clearance after a delay of 3 hours.
5 [U] 公安調査(に合格すること);秘密事項取り扱い許可;(国家機密を守れるという)人物証明(security clearance).
6 《サッカー》クリア:自陣ゴール近くからボールを大きくけり出すこと.
7 《医学》腎の浄化値.designation[des・ig・na・tion]
- 発音記号[dèzignéiʃən]
1 [U](官職・地位などへの)指名, 任命((as, of ...))
His designation as chairman was unopposed.
2 ((形式))称号, 名称.
3 [U]指示, 指定.