So with that many choices, how on earth do you find your way? It’s a gigantic problem.
Customer reviews are one of the main tools. People who’ve downloaded a certain app write a little paragraph about it and give it a star rating, 1 through 5. At a glance, you can find out whether a certain program is a gem or a dog.
In 1930, Baba-e-Urdu began the gigantic task of compiling 'Lughat-i-kabeer,' the most comprehensive Urdu-Urdu dictionary that was to have each and every ...
28.09. - Sierra Leone Faces Gigantic Challenges
One year after the election of a new president, the infrastructure is still
hardly existent, there are few jobs, and young people struggle to find a
vision for their future in Sierra Leone.
The DW-WORLD Article
- Relating to or suggestive of a giant.
- Exceedingly large of its kind: a gigantic toadstool.
- Very large or extensive: a gigantic corporation. See synonyms at enormous.
[From Latin gigās, gigant-, giant. See giant, or from Greek gigantikos (from gigās, gigant-, giant).]
gigantically gi·gan'ti·cal·ly・gan・tic

━━ a. 巨人のような; 巨大な.
gi・gan・ti・cal・ly ━━ ad. 巨大に; 並外れて.
