- A persiflage of this tale can be found on the wall in the Fort Napoleon, Ostend, Belgium. Heinrich-Otto Pieper, a German soldier during World War I, painted the German and the Austro-Hungarian eagles throned on a rock, under the light of a Turkish crescent. They look with contempt on the futile efforts of the Town Musicians of Bremen to chase them away. These animals are symbols for the Allied Forces: on top the French cock, standing on the Japanese jackal, standing on the English bulldog, standing on the Russian bear. Italy is depicted as a twisting snake and Belgium a tricolored beetle.
How to Avoid Being Fleeced When Using a Credit Card Overseas
Australia scoffs 13 litres of gelato per year—more than any other country—and its children are among the most literate in the world
Gelato is the Italian word for ice cream, commonly used, in English, for ice cream made in an Italian style. Gelato is made with a base of milk, cream, and sugar, and flavored with fruit and nut purees and other flavorings. Wikipedia
Robert Reich
JPMorgan Chase – the biggest scofflaw on Wall Street, whose CEO, Jamie Dimon, has more influence in Washington than any other CEO on the Street – has just agreed to pay $307 million to settle charges by the Securities and Exchange Commission that JPMorgan fleeced its clients.
That year, with a war with Hanoi in the offing, China also sent ships to Vietnam — to evacuate members of Vietnam’s ethnically Chinese minority, known as Hoa.
Pakistan Scorns U.S. Scolding on Terrorism
Pakistani officials scoffed at accusations that the country’s spy agency facilitated terrorist attacks.
Microsoft scoffs at the idea of Google becoming a serious rival in operating systems. But the price tag on ChromeOS is going to appeal to hardware makers. Those guys are trying to make money on devices that cost $300 or less. If they can save a few bucks by not having to pay a license fee to Microsoft, that's a big deal.
Once more, out of the element of that withered mocking Philosophism, Scepticism and Persiflage, there has arisen in this man the ineradicable feeling and knowledge that this Life of ours is true: not a Scepticism, Theorem, or Persiflage, but a Fact, an awful Reality.
Rock star Aussie minister off-key on whales: Japanese official
SYDNEY (AFP) — In the days when Australia's environment minister was a rock star and Japan's whaling chief was a student, they sang from the same songbook -- but not any more.Environment Minister Peter Garrett, former frontman for protest rockers Midnight Oil, now leads Australia's attempts to force Japan to end its whaling programme.
The chief of whaling at Japan's Fisheries Agency, Hideki Moronuki, leads the defence -- and he says Garrett has lost a fan.
"When I was a high-school student I used to listen to Midnight Oil. When I was a high-school student I liked his music. Now I don't," Moronuki told the Australian Associated Press.
Garrett was less diplomatic than previous Australian environment ministers and more aggressive, he said in a telephone interview from Tokyo.
"Previous ministers take into account the political situation but minister Garrett is very, very direct."
Moronuki scoffed at Garrett's proposal to reform the International Whaling Commission, calling it "quite ridiculous."
Garrett wants to close a loophole in an international moratorium on whaling that allows Japan to kill the giants of the seas in the name of research.
Australia is a leading opponent of Japan's annual hunt in Antarctic waters, which this year is targeting 1,000 whales.
The government sent a customs vessel into the Southern Ocean in January to track the whalers and collect evidence for a possible international court action to stop the killing.
Photographs of harpooned whales being dragged aboard a Japanese ship were later published in Australian newspapers and described by Garrett as sickening.
Full Definition of fleece
Definition of scofflaw
- : a contemptuous law violator
off-key Show phonetics
━━ a. 調子外れの, 音程の狂った; 的外れの, 不適当な.
If you sing or play music off-key, you produce notes which are slightly higher or lower than they should be.scorn

- Contempt or disdain felt toward a person or object considered despicable or unworthy.
- The expression of such an attitude in behavior or speech; derision.
- One spoken of or treated with contempt.
v., scorned, scorn·ing, scorns. v.tr.
- To consider or treat as contemptible or unworthy.
- To reject or refuse with derision. See synonyms at despise.
To express contempt; scoff.
[Middle English, from Old French escarn, of Germanic origin.]
scorner scorn'er n.scornful scorn'ful adj.
scornfully scorn'ful·ly adv.
scornfulness scorn'ful·ness n.
- light and slightly contemptuous mockery or banter.
"an air of persiflage"
- Light good-natured talk; banter.
- Light or frivolous manner of discussing a subject.
[French, from persifler, to banter : per-, intensive pref. (from Latin; see per–) + siffler, to whistle (from Old French, from Late Latin sīfilāre, alteration of Latin sībilāre).]
Persiflage – a light, quizzing mockery, or scoffing, specially on serious subjects, out of a cool, callous contempt for them.scoff
v., scoffed, scoff·ing, scoffs. v.tr.
To mock at or treat with derision.
To show or express derision or scorn.
An expression of derision or scorn.
[Middle English scoffen, from scof, mockery, probably of Scandinavian origin, akin to Danish skof, jest, teasing.]
scoffer scoff'er n.scoffingly scoff'ing·ly adv.
scoff2 (skŏf, skôf)

v. Slang, scoffed, scoff·ing, scoffs. v.tr.
To eat (food) quickly and greedily.
To eat greedily.
[Alteration of obsolete scaff.]
scoffer scoff'er n.per・si・flage

━━ n. からかい, 冗談.
Line breaks: off¦ing
Pronunciation: /ˈɒfɪŋ/
in the offing
- Likely to happen or appear soon: there are several initiatives in the offing
More example sentences
- Now, with Berry's inquiry in the offing, it is likely to resonate with a much wider audience.
- We could not approach industry for substantive new funding with the minister's initiative in the offing.
- Now there appears to be a savage credit crunch in the offing, and nobody seems to even notice.