On July 30, 1945, the USS Indianapolis, which had just delivered key components of the Hiroshima atomic bomb to the Pacific island of Tinian, was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. Only 316 out of 1,196 men survived the sinking and shark-infested waters.
U.S. Northeast grinds to a halt
The Northeast was pounded by a blizzard that halted transportation, knocked out power and brought the federal government to a standstill.
Authorities Hope Beetle Invasion Can Be Ground to a Halt
WORCESTER, Mass. -- A wood-devouring beetle has gained a foothold in New England, and authorities plan to cut down large numbers of infested trees and grind them up to stop the pest from spreading to the region's celebrated forests and ravaging the timber, tourism and maple-syrup industries.
(By Rodrique Ngowi, The Washington Post)
U.S. Northeast grinds to a halt
The Northeast was pounded by a blizzard that halted transportation, knocked out power and brought the federal government to a standstill.
Phrasal verbs
to stop slowly:
The car juddered and ground to a halt right in the middle of the road.
FIGURATIVE If we don't do something soon, the whole theatre industry could grind to a halt (= stop operating).
verb [T]
(of animals and insects which carry disease) to cause a problem by being present in large numbers:
The barn was infested with rats.
noun [C or U]
a flea infestation
an infestation of cockroaches/head lice