In a letter last year to the Polish Senate after her country finally honored her efforts, Mrs. Sendler wrote, “Every child saved with my help and the help of all the wonderful secret messengers, who today are no longer living, is the justification of my existence on this earth, and not a title to glory.”
But he expressed frustration that rescue efforts were being held up by testing conditions.
"The disaster situation is worse than expected, and the rescue sites are quite complex," he admitted.
a Michelin Star
19.05. - Czech Cuisine Gets a Michelin Star of it’s OwnFood lovers in the Czech capital Prague have something to celebrate: arestaurant in their city just became the first in the former eastern blocto receive a coveted Michelin star.
The DW-WORLD Article
adjective MAINLY UK
These are very testing times for our family.
To complete 77 laps of the testing Hungaroring circuit is a challenge for any racing driver.
(1)(本・詩などの)題名, 題目, 表題;(本の章・節などの)見出し;(書物の)表題紙, とびら((of, to ...));((通例~s))字幕 |
 | ・ | the title of a book 本の題;表題. |
2 [C][U](Lord, Dr., Princeなどの)称号, 肩書き, 敬称;(役職などの)肩書き;(貴族の)肩書きのある人 |
 | ・ | a person of title 肩書きのある人. |
3 ((通例the ~))タイトル, 選手権(championship) |
 | ・ | defend [take or win] the title タイトルを防衛[獲得]する. |
4 (…に対する)権利, 資格((to ...));(…する)根拠, 理由((to do)) |
 | ・ | He has no title to anticipate our support. 私たちの支持を期待する権利はない. |
5 [U][C]《法》(不動産などの)法的権利, 所有権((to ...));権原;権利証書;所有権の構成要件;(法令などの)編, 章;(訴訟の理由を表示する)表題;訴訟の原因. |
6 《教会》叙品資格, 聖職就任資格(一定の職務と収入);名義聖堂. |
━━[動](他)〈本などに〉表題をつける;〈フィルムに〉字幕をつける;〈人に〉肩書を与える;〈人を〉称号で呼ぶ. |
━━[形]((限定))題名と同じの;選手権の〈試合〉 |
 | ・ | the title story 表題作(作品集の題名と同じ題名の物語). |