Recipes for Health

底下是今天 hc看報2005 的學英文,供參考:
『華爾街日報』有免費的電子信叫 Technology Update
今天有一條談到,流行的消費電子產品如 iPod等都會用到的一種記憶體 IC(這可當 "磁碟 "作用),原先是不風行,現在鹹魚翻身:
Lowly Memory Chips Are Back
NAND flash memory chips are surging in popularity, shaking up the industry and proving a boon for Samsung and Toshiba. The falling cost and rising capacity of the chips are triggering a shake-up in the global electronics market.
我對LOWLY 很好奇,因為LOW 也可當行容詞/ 副詞。查字典:
low in position and importance, or not respected:
low in position and importance, or not respected:
He took a lowly job in an insurance firm.
His first job in the hotel was as a lowly porter.
Governor's Mansion Reception Canceled
Gov. Timothy M. Kaine abruptly canceled a reception planned for the governor's mansion next week after he discovered yesterday that the event's organizers were advertising it as a Democratic fundraiser.
(By Tim Craig, The Washington Post)
A House committee approved rules for billions in government funds to spur high-speed Internet networks in unserved and underserved areas.
fundraising noun [U]
when you collect or produce money for a particular purpose, especially for a charity:
The summer fête will be the school's main fundraising event this year.
noun [C]
a person or event involved in collecting money for a particular purpose, especially a charity
verb [I]