For millions of families, the recession has not meant a layoff, but a pay cut that has forced them to thrash through daily calculations.
Negotiations for US-Iraq troop deal continue
The United States and Iraq are still thrashing out a new deal for the presence of US soldiers on Iraqi soil. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice held a press conference in Baghdad following an unannounced visit for talks with the Iraqi leadership. Rice insisted the protracted negotiations to secure a mandate beyond 2008 were not a sign of a "bad situation". Earlier, Rice said the two sides were very close to finalising a deal. Iraqi officials have previously said they want a new agreement to include a deadline for US forces to withdraw from the country and an end to the immunity of US troops from Iraqi law.
When and where did the power breakfast start? When Talleyrand sat down with Metternich over cafe au lait to thrash out the future of Europe at the Congress of Vienna in 1815? When Hector and Achilles drank nectar before fighting to the death by the light of the rosyfingered dawn?
( Talleyrand : n. - French statesman (1754-1838).
In 1958, when I was still threshing around among my.....
Not just won, buddy, they thrashed 'em。
thrash sth out phrasal verb [M] INFORMAL
to discuss a problem in detail until you reach an agreement or find a solution:
If we've got an important decision to make, we sometimes spend a whole day thrashing it out in a meeting.
verb [I or T] (ALSO thrash)
to remove the seeds of crop plants by hitting them, using either a machine or a hand tool
"Thresh是「打(穀)」,例如:It is laborious to thresh rice by hand(用手打稻十分吃力)。
(1) Korea thrashed Japan by seven goals to one(韓國隊以七比一大敗日本隊)。
(2) The father thrashed the lazy child(那懶惰孩子被父親打了一頓)。"
IN BRIEF: To beat severely. Also: To move about in a violent way.
To move wildly or violently, without accomplishing anything useful. Paging or swapping systems that are overloaded waste most of their time moving data into and out of core (rather than performing useful computation) and are therefore said to thrash. Someone who keeps changing his mind (esp. about what to work on next) is said to be thrashing. A person frantically trying to execute too many tasks at once (and not spending enough time on any single task) may also be described as thrashing. Compare multitask.