(tŭs'kən)adj. - 托斯卡尼的, 托斯卡尼式的
n. - 托斯卡尼人, 托斯卡尼語
- Of or relating to Tuscany, its people, or their language.
- Architecture. Of or relating to the Tuscan order.
- A native or inhabitant of Tuscany.
- Any of the dialects of Italian spoken in Tuscany.
- The standard literary form of Italian.
[Middle English, from Latin Tuscānus, Etruscan, from Tuscus, an Etruscan.]
deityIN BRIEF: A god, goddess, or divine person.
八佾→十二 祭如在,祭神如神在。子曰:吾不與祭,如不祭。
The English word "deity" derives from the Latin "deus," ("God"). Related are words for "sky": the Latin "dies" ("day") and "divum" ("open sky"), and the Sanskrit "div," "diu" ("sky," "day," "shine"). Also related are "divine" and "divinity," from the Latin "divinus," from "divus." The English word "God" comes from the Anglo-Saxon, and similar words are found in many Germanic languages (e.g. the German "Gott" — "God").
"seat of the pants是褲子坐椅的地方,也許可引伸為屁股。
(sēt'əv-THə-pănts')adj. Slang.
- Based on or using intuition and experience rather than a plan or method; improvised: “Each has already moved beyond seat-of-the-pants management to more professional operating procedures” (Business Week).
- Performed without using instruments: a seat-of-the-pants landing of the aircraft.
by the seat of your pants
If you do something by the seat of your pants, you do it using only your own experience and trusting your own judgment.
Using intuition and improvisation rather than method or experience, as in He ran the business by the seat of his pants. This expression was invented by World War II fliers, who used it to describe flying when instruments were not working or weather interfered with visibility. It was transferred to broader use soon after the war.
fly by the seat of your pants (informal)
to do something difficult without the necessary experience or ability. None of us had ever worked on a magazine before so we were flying by the seat of our pants. (often in continuous tenses)