After all, there are few garments less likely to show up at the public performances that are the major party presidential conventions. The usual dress code is one of straightforward red, white and blue: suits and ties, dresses, skirt suits. The point is patriotism in the most obvious sense.
To call a hotel “Weiyena” (to sound like “Vienna”) is now deemed terribly unpatriotic
调查显示,四分之三的教师认为有义务向学生阐明"爱国主义" (patriotism)可能导致的危险。所有老师和学生都不希
該報的另一篇文章報道了《色戒》女主角湯唯遭中國廣電總局封殺的消息。文章說,儘管《色戒》中國版已經刪除了湯唯在戲中的激情戲表演,但湯唯為龐氏護膚產 品拍攝的廣告還是遭到了封殺。《泰晤士報》說,激情戲只是湯唯遭封殺的部分原因,其根本原因在於廣電總局認為湯唯在《色戒》

【heroism great bravery:
an act of heroism
patriotism when you love your country and are proud of it】
【alcoholism the condition of being an alcoholic:
Alcoholism cost me my job, my health and finally my family. 】
◎journalism the work of collecting, writing and publishing news stories and articles in newspapers and magazines or broadcasting them on the radio and television
2007年10月2日 星期二
patriot Show phoneticsnoun [C]
a person who loves their country and, if necessary, will fight for it
patriotic Show phonetics
showing love for your country and pride in it:
patriotic fervour/pride
Many Americans felt it was their patriotic duty to buy bonds to support the war effort.
patriotism Show phonetics
noun [U]
when you love your country and are proud of it
愛國情操 (主義) --愛國 以其為榮
這要談顧炎武的:亡國 (易性改號)與亡天下(仁義充塞而至於相率食人 人將相食)
什麼"由於千百年各自的祖國相隔離而形成的深厚感情" (列寧)