trade journal 業界(雜)誌.
The Design Agenda: A Guide to Successful Design Management by R. Cooper and M. Press, Wiley, 1994
設計進程 台北:六合 1998
頁240 將 Design Week 翻譯成 "英國設計的
n. 商業, 商売; 取引 (make a good ~); 貿易, 交換; 職, 手職 ((大工・左官など)); ((集合的)) (同)業者; ((集合的)) 顧客; (the ~) …業[界]; (the ~s) 貿易風.
be good for trade 買気を起させる.
v. 商売[取引]する ((in, with)); 売買する; (物々)交換する; 〔米〕 得意客である ((at, with)).
trade away [off] 売り払う.
trade down (…を下取りに出して)より価値のある物に買い換える.
trade in 下取りに出す.
trade on …を不当に利用する.
trad(e)・a・ble ━━
trade association 同業者団体.
trade book [edition] (限定版・豪華版などに対して)普及本[版].
trade c
cle 〔英〕 景気循環.
trade deficit 貿易赤字[欠損].
trade discount 業者間割引.
traded option 【株】売買オプション.
trade fair 見本市.
trade gap 貿易欠損, 輸入超過.
trade-in 下取り品.
trade journal 業界誌.
trade-last 〔話〕 受売りのほめことば ((これを相手に話してやり同時に相手からも第三者の言ったほめことばを聞かせてもらう)).
trade・mark 商標; (人の)特徴, トレードマーク.
trade name 商標名; 会社名.
trade-off トレードオフ ((同時に満足できない諸条件の間の取捨選択[調整])).
trade price 仲間値段, 卸し値.

n. 商人, 貿易業者; 商船; 【商業】トレーダー ((顧客よりも自己のおもわくで証券売買を行う業者)).
trade route 通商路, 貿易ルート.
trade school 職業学校.
trade secret 企業秘密.
trades・man (小売)商人.
trades・people ((集合的;複数扱い)) (小売)商人.
trade(s) union 労働組合.
trade(s) unionism 労働組合主義.
trade(s) unionist 労働組合員[主義者].
Trades Union Congress (the ~) (英国の)労働組合会議 ((略 TUC)).
trade surplus 貿易黒字.
trade wind (the ~) 貿易風.
trading company [firm] 貿易商社.
trading estate 〔英〕 工業地区[団地].
trading floor (株式取引所の)立ち会い場.
trading post 未開[過疎]地の交易所.
trading stamp 景品引換えスタンプ[クーポン].
at the end of the day UK
something that you say before you give the most important fact of a situation:
Of course I'll listen to what she has to say but at the end of the day, it's my decision.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
“At the moment, French capitalism is in a crisis, and it’s creating momentum for a change,” Mr. Fouks says. Within the traditional establishment, he says, “everybody was friends, very diplomatic, and it was a club where at the end of the day, it was always better to find an arrangement.”