Including $25 payouts for iPhone 6 and 7 owners
The deal resolves dozens of "Batterygate" lawsuits
Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert J. Shiller sees this play out in the economy constantly. Shiller, Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale, in recent years has urged his colleagues to consider how popular narratives — simple stories, true and untrue — influence booms, recessions, and other economic events.2019/11/04
"Reason has discovered the struggle for existence and the law that I must throttle all those who hinder the satisfaction of my desires. That is the deduction reason makes. But the law of loving others could not be discovered by reason, because it is unreasonable."
-- from "Anna Karenina" (1875–1877)
Hazard: The control module for the throttle can fail and cause the electric ride-on vehicle to unexpectedly surge forward, posing a risk of injury to the user or a bystander.
McCain Tries to Define Obama as Out of Touch
By JIM RUTENBERG A full-throttled effort by the McCain campaign to create a negative narrative about Barack Obama is being coordinated by veterans of President Bush’s 2004 bid.
He quotes the example of tyre company Firestone’s response to the introduction by Michelin of radial technology. Instead of embracing the new technology and all the changes that it implied, Firestone undertook more of the activities that had worked for it in the past, in the pre-radial era—extending its existing technology, making more tyres on existing equipment and keeping old factories working at full throttle. As Sull puts it, “It just dug itself an even deeper hole.”
008/01/29-17:01 日産ディ、1万7000台リコール=ヤマハもオートバイ
日産ディーゼルは29日、トラックなど大型車14 車種の燃料装置部分に不具合があるとして、国土交通省 にリコール(回収・無償工業修理)を届け出た。
diesel 柴油 (此字原為為姓氏ディーゼル) 此種油燃燒效率高 可以排硫等過高
A diesel engine.
A vehicle powered by a diesel engine.
The type of gasoline designed to power a diesel engine.
intr.v., -seled, -sel·ing, -sels.
To continue running after the ignition has been turned off, as when an open throttle supplies fuel to an engine that is still sufficiently hot to ignite it.
To drive a diesel-powered vehicle: We dieseled through the countryside.
To refuel a diesel-powered vehicle. Often used with up.

- A valve that regulates the flow of a fluid, such as the valve in an internal-combustion engine that controls the amount of vaporized fuel entering the cylinders.
- A lever or pedal controlling such a valve.
- To regulate the flow of (fuel) in an engine.
- To regulate the speed of (an engine) with a throttle.
- To suppress: tried to throttle the press.
- To strangle; choke.
[Short for throttle valve, from throttle, to strangle, choke, from Middle English throtelen, probably from throte, throat. See throat.]
at full/half speed or power:
He's working at full throttle (= as hard as he can) to get the job finished.
The captain of the boat had his engines at full throttle.

━━ v. のどを締める; 窒息させる; 抑圧する; 【機】(絞り弁を)絞る, (車を)減速する ((back, down)).
to tell a story, often by reading aloud from a text, or to describe events as they happen:
Documentaries are often narrated by well-known actors.
One by one the witnesses narrated the sequence of events which led up to the disaster.
narration noun
1 [U] the act of telling a story
2 [C or U] a spoken description of events given during a film or television programme:
Dame Judi Dench did the narration for the documentary.
noun [C or U] FORMAL
a story or a description of a series of events:
It's a moving narrative of wartime adventure.
Unreasonable Hospitality:The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect》
威爾.吉達拉 Will Guidara 著 廖月娟譯 2023/06/30天下文化出版
1. 作者簡介
威爾‧吉達拉(Will Guidara),麥迪遜公園11號與NoMad餐廳前業主。「歡迎研討會」(Welcome Conference)共同創辦人;這是每年舉辦的款待座談會。曾共同著作四本食譜書;獲《克萊恩紐約商業周刊》(Crain's New York Business)評選列入「40歲以下的40位精英」(40 Under 40);也是《華爾街日報雜誌》(WSJ. Magazine)創新者獎項(Innovator Award)得獎人。目前與太太克莉絲蒂娜與女兒法蘭琪定居於紐約州哈德遜河谷(Hudson Valley)。
2. 譯者簡介
3. 內容簡介
l 他主張新人都得從基層員工做起,才能了解餐廳的運作。
l 他下放權力,讓員工發揮創意,改善工作流程。
l 他從不邀功,利用所有機會讓員工獲得高層與外界的認可。
l 當顧客的航班被迫取消,無法出國度假,他把私人包廂變成私人沙灘。
l 西班牙家庭來訪時,他派人去買雪橇,把他們送到中央公園玩雪。
l 歐洲觀光客感嘆沒吃到紐約熱狗時,他親自跑去買,還擺盤送上桌。
01 歡迎來到款待經濟的世界
02 這個世界需要多一點魔法
03 意圖的非凡力量
04 啟發式的款待
05 餐廳與企業經營大不同
06 建立真正的夥伴關係
07 設定期望值
08 打破規則、建立團隊
09 刻意懷抱意圖做事
10 創造合作的文化
11 奔向卓越
12 關係很單純,但單純不容易
13 利用肯定的力量
14 恢復平衡
15 我們的生存之道:不斷進擊
16 縮短與人的距離
17 學習超乎常理之道
18 即興款待
19 擴展文化
20 回歸初心