James Brown—the founding father of funk, the "Godfather of Soul"—was born on May 3rd 1933. In his memoir, he wrote that, "Others may have followed in my wake, but I was the one who turned racist minstrelsy into black soul—and by doing so, became a cultural force"
In general: receipt, certificate, or other representation of value recognized by both payer and payee. Scrip is not currency, but may be convertible into currency.
Securities: temporary document that is issued by a corporation and that represents a fractional share of stock resulting from a Split, exchange of stock, or Spin-Off. Scrip certificates may be aggregated or applied toward the purchase of full shares. Scrip dividends have historically been paid in lieu of cash dividends by companies short of cash.
IN BRIEF: A certificate with a value that may be exchanged for cash or merchandise.
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Minstrel show - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
━━ n. 〔米〕 紙切れ; 書き付け; 仮株[証]券; 軍票; 臨時紙幣.
Japanese scrips close near 26-mth low
Daily Times - Lahore,Pakistan
TOKYO: Japanese share prices closed down 1.93% Friday, slumping to the lowest point in more than two years, on worries about the health of both the US and ...
scrip3 (skrĭp)
n. Archaic.
A wallet, small satchel, or bag.
[Middle English scrippe.]
看圖Kate Bunce, The Keepsake, tempera on canvas, 1898-1901. This was chosen as "Picture of the Year" by the Pall Mall Gazette in 1901. It illustrates Rossetti's poem "The Staff and Scrip," a passage after the death of the pilgrim: "Then stepped a damsel to her side/ And spoke and needs must weep:/ For his sake, lady, if he died/ He prayed of thee to keep/ This staff and scrip." Another painting by Bunce, The Minstrel, is on the 4777 home page.
pall mall
- A 17th-century game in which a boxwood ball was struck with a mallet to drive it through an iron ring suspended at the end of an alley.
- The alley in which this game was played.
[Obsolete French pallemaille, from Italian pallamaglio : palla, ball (of Germanic origin) + maglio, mallet (from Latin malleus).]
Pall Mall
A fashionable street in London, England, noted as the site of St. James's Palace and many private clubs. It derives its name from the game pall-mall, which was played on the grounds in front of the palace in the 17th century.
英國倫敦中區有條大街叫「帕爾馬爾」(Pall Mall),"馬爾"在英文裡面是大街的意思,"帕爾"則是蓋在棺木靈柩上的布,這樣的街名聽起來怪怪的。 其實這個字是從義大利文借來的,是「打槌球的街」的意思。 四百年前,倫敦市中心還有大片綠地,當時有很多人在「帕爾馬爾」打 ...